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So I’ve seen a lot of people asking me to cover the rumors on Twitter discussing whether or not Dead By Daylight is getting Alien for the 7th Anniversary Chapter with the head of 20th Century Studios Franchise Managing executive tweeting and liking tweets about Dead By Daylight and the Alien franchise! Let’s look at the evidence and discuss. Tinfoil hats activate! Welcome to my Tinfoil Talk!
What do you think about this theory? Do you think executive Ken Pejoro’s enthusiasm for Dead By Daylight bodes well for DBD to get an Alien and or Predator chapter? Let me know what you think in the comments below!
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#DeadByDaylight #TinfoilTalk #Alien
αн that’s the only horror movie don’t like lol 😂 but oh well lol guess it will still be fun 🤩 lol as long as we’re getting a new movie 🎥 chapter lol wooot woot great video so exited for the new rift though next week can’t wait and the new cosmetics ! For the store
The alian and Predator are both in fortnight this is very possible
predator and alien are in fortnight as characters so I don't see any problem with dead by daylight being able to add those 2
Sooo does this confirm the skull merchant was meant to be the predator? So no hopes for predator being in the game? 😢
It would be sick if we get an alien chapter.
my top 5 list ist
1. The evil within Killer: Laura, Surv: Sebastian Castelanos
2. M3gan
3. Resident Evil Killer: Lady Dimitrescu and her Daughters Surv: Ethan, Rose, Mia
4. Chucky
5. Terminator, i also would like a Werwolf, Vampire, IT, The Nun
Patrick will make sure that only the best hockey is played in that alien game I'm sure
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! May-June can't come soon enough! I beg you let this Happen. Been an Alien nut since I saw the first Film. All I will say if this Drops I want the New Map to be the Colonial buildings on LV426 or Maybe Sevastopol Station. I don't care if I get my fav Horror Creator in DBD I will be so happy!
I would love love love if we got Sigourney Weaver to voice Ripley. Ugh would be SO epic.
If it is alien I will be so happy I’m just wondering when dead by daylight will give us candyman pennywise Jason and springtrap
I think if alien isnt the anniversary event we shouldnt be sad. Remember Pinhead was released in September months after the anniversary. So we could always get Alien after the event.
It would be awesome to add Alien to the DbD roster. I'm a bit concerned about how a power would work for them though. If you're talking about a simple Xenomorph "drone" (for lack of a better word) their abilities are either climbing on walls or through vents. Maybe a stealth mechanic? The acid blood could be hard to make as part of a power, but maybe a perk that injures anyone who stuns them? If they went the route of an Alien Queen, however, it could be a power of laying eggs that spawn a face-hugger (kind of like a trap based system). They could also use an alternate hook mechanic like Pyramid Head, where the survivor is trapped in a wall like in the movies. Imagine if killing a survivor this way would spawn an AI alien to run around the map as well (I know it would be OP, but a cool idea none-the-less).
Hopefully never
Bruh that would be huge. Imagine being chased by the Xenomorth and face huggers lol I would main The Alien immediatly, no joke. 😄😄
I would love to see an Alien chapter. Just to play devil’s advocate his tweet about DBD was in October. It’s also possible he was teasing a Predator chapter that fell through
Franchise management definitely sounds like they would be involved in third-party licensing, but that's just me.
I was also thinking the same thing, an Alien chapter with Predator legendary cosmetics for the Skull Merchant.
Whoa, that information arrived in the right moment! So this practically corfirms it, doesn't it? The Alien Day fits with DbD schedule, just a week after the new Tome.
I can't really believe it… So the others runners-up are FNAF, Critters, Candyman and Animal Crossing… Are we forgetting any other candidate?
Thank you for the videos, Paulie!
omg not this shit again
You should make a video showcasing your dream licenses
I bet it's going to bea Predator skin for the Skull Merchant; as a way for DbD to play damage control for their last chapter.
I doubt it's going to be as interesting as Xenomorph Queen.
Idk it'd kinda hurt seeing the PKO (perfect killing organism) being stunned by a bunch of fast-crouching people with pallets and hooking people, don't think it'd make a lot of sense, but I do believe it would be one of the happiest news if real, though I still vouch for seeing FNAF chapter EVER in this game, that would be the dopest thing! (hope is all we can have hah…)
Could we see Survios alien game news on Alien day 2023?
I love alien, it's my most wanted chapter
However, every time we think the most likely chapter with what we have its not that chapter…. I feel like…
Imagine being chase by a preatorian 💀💀🤣 su ptm
I don’t care what it is as long as it’s a licensed chapter I don’t care
Would be totally awesome to have A Xenonorph killer added to the game as well as the Nostromos ship as a map in dbd! I could see the survivor(s) having some perks to do with stealth. Hope we are lucky enough.
I be filled with joy if they just make the base game free so I don't need live to play anymore on console.
An AvP chapter would be amazing with 2 killers
Imagine Predator skin for the Skull Merchant + Alien for 7th Anniversary. O_O
I fear we’ve become an easy target for a new marketing strategy! Licenses are building hype for their announcement streams by piquing our interest. How many of us will now pay attention to Alien Day who wouldn’t have previously? All with plausible deniability! Dying Light did the same very recently… Resident Evil set a precedent that others are now playing into!
Let’s just say DbD goes all out this time and on the anniversary stream they announce Alien and Predator as an Alien vs Predator chapter with an event tied to it. Will never happen but just imagine