10 Add-Ons that Deserve a Higher Rarity in Dead by Daylight!

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Hey everyone, today we’re looking at add-ons that deserve a higher rarity than they are. We’re going to exclusively look at yellow and brown add-ons for this. Let’s get into it.

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone

Intro 0:00
Bone Clapper (Wraith) 0:10
Never-Sleep Pills (Legion) 0:58
Black Heart (Demogorgon) 2:08
Call to Arms (Knight) 2:55
Toy Sword (Twins) 3:48
Malthinker’s Skull (Dredge) 4:34
Caged Heart Shoes & Killing Part Chords (Trickster) 5:18
Velvet Fabric (Artist) 6:15
Oak Haft (Huntress) 7:21
Marvin’s Blood (Nemesis) 8:02
Outro 8:58


28 thoughts on “10 Add-Ons that Deserve a Higher Rarity in Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Thank you to everyone who became a member it helps out a lot ❤️ there will be a live commentary video for members soon. It's gonna be strange but I want to try it out.

  2. For the legion, mischief list is an absolute necessity. It increases the frenzy duration by 2 seconds but it can really make a difference continuing your chain hits.

  3. OMG, finally a content creator saying this about Bone Clapper! It takes away one of the best counters to Wraith’s power and while you can play around it, it certainly considerably changes his power and puts you at a disadvantage. I still prefer it to the Iri Clapper though lol.

  4. Great list. Definitely the pills and the black heart should be higher. Poor nemesis, add-ons so weak there's really nothing to complain about being too strong.
    Also on the survivor side gel dressings should be purple as a full extra heal is very strong.

  5. I can understand where you’re coming from on the bone clapper being better than coxcombed, but I disagree. The bone gives away the fact that you’re uncloaking, something the coxcombed doesn’t. I’ve gone against multiple wraiths using the bone clapper and I can use situational awareness [later in the game] to know if they are uncloaking near me, but I don’t get that same effect against silent bell. The only indication is the whoosh, and by that point you’re probably about to be hit/grabbed before making it to safety.

  6. Wraiths best perk is grey, it’s the one that makes him undetectable for 6 seconds after uncloaking. That combined with silent bell is the most broken combo in the game, legit impossible for survivors to avoid getting hit and really easy to pull them off gens

  7. The "Cat's Eye" add-on for the Twins is a yellow that definitely should be Green or maybe even Purple. It makes Victor completely silent while holding a charged pounce.

    Keep in mind, Victor is tiny and has no terror radius already. Taking away the little noise that he does make, at 16 meters, leaves Survivors with literally no way to know you're nearby most of the time. It's free undetectable and will guarantee a surprise hit/down 99% of the time.

  8. For Legion I would absolutely argue that their best addon is Mischief List which is a brown. The extra 2 seconds of frenzy is literally a necessity and you’re basically throwing if ur not using it.

  9. The VHS p*rn of clown deserves better then Brown same for the makeshift wrap of trapper. Also i would swap the trapper bag(green add-on) with the Trapper sack(purple add-on) since the trapper sack has the downside of not being able to pick up traps. While the trapper bag gives a 3rd trap to carry. And for the dragonfly wings, and then the Dried cicada as well since there increase her teleportation range which is absolutely gold for her

  10. Unpopular opinion, I think caged heart and killing chords should be base kit on trickster. it would give him a better edge as a huntress alternative and just overall make him better.


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