100+ Games of Dead by Daylight Analysed

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Hey everyone, today we’re seeing the outcome of many many games of DbD. I did this before a long time ago with 100 games, this time round I got all of you to help. I asked people to submit endgame screenshots into a Discord channel, myself and one of my moderators, Waddlez then counted the stats from these games, with it being around 200 total between us. Not all of the stats are out of 200 because some screenshots had to be discounted due to missing information or they hadn’t been submitted with gen stats alongside the screenshot.

Big thank you to Waddlez, they really helped a lot with this video.

Thanks also to:
ChefDemo, Am. dog, Donzelle!, Mik, moyai, Dr. Fiction, Ironkid, LoneShadow379, Maadpaw, TwelveApollo893, WitherMaster9000, Teaspoon, baguette, MaxiRaeRae, NormallyUnwelcomed, Lali_Bauf, luna, Mathias, supernatural, tom and jerry, Blipmovs, The Omikron, Fast and Ferbious, The Mandel, DukeSpookenSpoonjuken, Raccoon City Police StationRPD, Matei-?, Alpaca, Mad_King, Boredshushi, IridescentScruffy, super bonk, ipushiron, Survivor Pudding, kylieminogue, sickageginger, LerdHolix, Fadein8466, Shadow Raven, MichaeLemon, Bill Overbeck, Lxzzy, paperfrogs, wisysms, Pinhead STBFL, Coolguy, Requis, AdRevenuePlease, geologist, Ichika Nakano, Yifenifenoivie, Silvershine525, Yepbasic, Mihzo, Afterlight MC, puppynuppy2figure, for submitting their games.

To submit your own games come to discord.gg/azhymovs and post your endgame screenshot, along with map name, gens complete, and additional information in the #game-log channel.

Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/azhymovs

Check out my 2nd channel for content focusing on stuff other than games: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnz3TK9TLt6BhKh-P66srtQ

Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there): https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone

Intro 0:00
Killer appearances 0:38
Survivor appearances 1:23
Map appearances 2:12
Survivor perk appearances 3:10
Killer perk appearances 4:45
Generators completed 6:15
Escapes 6:51
Survivor Item appearances 8:07
Prestige Levels 8:41
Offering appearances 9:33
Additional information 10:43
Outro & Thanks 11:25


35 thoughts on “100+ Games of Dead by Daylight Analysed”

  1. I typically play 3-5 matches when I play dbd. Apparently I'm the guy they send all of the 3 twins mains to. Because the last couple of times I've gotten multiple games with twins as the killer.

  2. It's funny being, Artist is such a strong killer. Being able to shut down loops and being able to fire crows across a map and get a hit mark more likely. But there is one big issue with her in general. She is so boring to play as a killer. Like no joke you would only want to play her to win. But even winning with her just feels boring. That's why you will rarely ever see any Artist Players but when you do as a survivor, it's just annoying to deal with

  3. Survivor mains need to step it up with the perk variety. Lethal pursuer being used a lot makes sense to me because that first chase is so important and it pairs nicely with other aura-reading perks and add-ons. I wouldn't be surprised to see more distortion use in 2023

  4. It’s important to mention that twins is currently unplayable, there’s a glitch that instantly loses the game for the twins, making twins players even rarer than normal

  5. I think it's pretty telling how Lethal Pursuer is so commonly picked because of how terrible the start of a game is for killer. If you aren't running it n don't find the survs within your first few gen checks .. rip ! After the killer gets into a chase n starts getting hooks the game almost balances itself lmao

  6. Hey I love this video I think it’s super cool to see this sample of stats. However, I want to make a quick note! Dead hard made up 6% of the perks total but since it cannot be repeated that doesn’t mean 6% of survivors use it. Assuming each survivor uses 4 perks the real percentage would be closer to 25% of survivors using Deadhard. Anyways I have been loving the content recently and hope you have a great day!

  7. Honestly, the win rates between killer and survivor makes sense to me. if anything, the killer win rate seem a bit low to me based on the games I get. I've been playing swf only for awhile now, but even during swfs, we're tunneled and camped most of the time and we're lucky if one person escapes, especially once all 5 gens are done. I thought this game was supposed to be balanced. so roughly a 50-50 win ratio. I think I've lived 3 games in the last 2 weeks, which has been probably about 4 dozen games at least. I'm not bad either. I'm not the greatest and I'm terrible at looping, but I'm still pretty decent myself. I get my bouts of luck in the game. So living only 3 games is honestly really annoying and heartbreaking.

  8. why do people hate my man James so much 🙁
    The 3 people i play with all own Sheva and often play her in RE lobbies, in 800 hours I've literally only seen a James in a survivor lobby. He switched immediately because the game crashes once there are 2 Sunderlands in the same lobby

  9. Time of day and mmr has huge affection for cheaters. If i play at 5am, i get 1/3 cheater games and lobbies are filled with russians. Not to sound like russofobic but those 2 things do happen at 5am. I play in EU normally. I also play high mmr killer.

    It was nice to see the stats you got. Wish we could see our mmr and differ those from each other and even compare how things change from low mmr to high mmr. 🙂

    Thx for awesome vid!

  10. Weird data.
    In my killer games there are probable >2 running dead hard on average.
    And Blight, Wesker, Nurse are very commonly picked.
    So I think your data is pretty random (not really representative) and mostly gathered on low MMR.

  11. Oh, why didn't I think of that to track number of generators done! Since January started I keep track of all my games. Most are with my friends, but I do list random survivors and killers of course. I try to make screenshot every game with the map name there. I think I should started writing down generators count as well.

    From now I can say the most picked killers/random survivors for us were:
    Wesker 21 games
    Nurse 17 games
    Nemesis 10 games
    Nea 14 games
    Meg 12 games
    out of 171 games 😀 There are few holes in the sheet cells, but I also have screenshots to fill them up later after exams.

    So in february I am going to write the gens down and I can provide some results 😀

  12. No wonder there were so many disconnects if ur sad enough to post end matches on discord then you’ll be a killer who sweats there balls off and probably plays scummy so they look good on their end game screenshot


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