1000000000% REGRESSION AND STILL CANT STOP GENS! Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/tru3ta1ent

playing Dead by daylight also known as dbd with every killer this time its the dredge trapper wraith hillbilly nurse huntress hag shape aka myers doctor trickster dredge artist deathslinger ghostface demogorgon pig onryu aka the ring clown cannibal aka leatherface nemesis plague freddy spirit legion oni executioner aka pyramid head blight twins cenobite aka pinhead and survivor many people play this asymmetrical horror including tru3ta1ent otzdarva jrm and ayrun

#dredge #thedredge #newdbdkiller #deadbydaylight #otzdarva #jrm #ayrun #tru3ta1ent


31 thoughts on “1000000000% REGRESSION AND STILL CANT STOP GENS! Dead by Daylight”

  1. I mean obviously its not gonna stop them from doing gens. As the killer the survivors are basically at 1000000000000% gen speed against you. So all your doing is canceling them out🤣😅

  2. I think the main problem with this game is that it's a 4v1, but the survivors don't win or loose together. In Evil Dead you have a clear result: Your team won or lost. But here the devs want each survivor to have the chance to win on their own. So they think "Half of the survivors should escape" and not "half of the matches should be won by survivors". That's why they make the gens so fast so two survivors can get out on average.

  3. I was seriously considering reinstalling dbd after a year off from it so I could try dredge. But seeing this match reminds me that there's no point as I won't be able to have any fun as killer.

    Am I right in saying that if I was at top mmr a year ago and went back to dbd today, I'd still be at top mmr? Someone said to me that you can't reduce your mmr either. Is that true?

  4. The devs can not even take on a low tier bully squad.. You know the kinds that can only sometimes bully a new rank 20 killer. Remember what happened in Korea? They are still like that. Its pathetic… They will never do what you are asking in this. If they ever did it would show how embarrassingly bad they are with the game as well as their knowledge of how the game goes in practice. They only have theory along with statistics that can basically tell them nothing depending on how they look at it..

    Once again.. Their rules on how to look at statistics ( that are favored to a specific group ) and how they balance things around brand new players and not the high end that knows the game in and out. They have admitted to this several times even..

  5. This is why I started Evil Dead and never looked back. At least in that game there's more than one objective and it forces interaction with the demon as a survivor. Meanwhile slowdown perks are getting nerfed, which means what they call a shake up of the meta will be in favor of survivors.

  6. In this case i can't disagree with tru3.
    He had a pretty "size bearable map", good perks, a strong killer with the best addons for presion and mobility, with decent chases.
    This days gen's speed is worst than before, agains't SWF is just a handicap

  7. Remember every time BHVR actually plays the game they get absolutely dog walked. So there’s that. But As I’ve said, the problem with asymmetrical horror games is that actually escaping from a human being looking for you is a pretty high skill gap. Well we can’t have a situation in which the survivors are always losing so we lower the skill ceiling by making things faster and easier for them. Gen speeds are through the roof even without perks and survivors are loaded to the brim with 2nd chance loadouts that essentially inject even more time into the trial. BHVR has done so many things to take the edge off being a survivor and as a result they’ve been alienating the killer base for years causing a massive spike in tunneling and camping from this revolving door the game seems to have.

  8. I wish I caught this live. Tru3 shouldn't need to explain the imbalance to experienced players. All you need to do is understand and watch really. @Tru3- I lost all thought once I saw your kitty and it's paws 🥰 Does Kat have her own stream and is your guys' kitty in it?

  9. I guess we could just have the gen base speed divided by how many survivors are still in the game, like it would not be complete garbage at lower levels, and it will also prevent tunneling, because the less survivors you have alive on the team the faster the gens will go, just an idea like that, and having the same meta perks for gen defence with gens going 4 times slower would make a big difference on balancing the game

  10. I would 100% be down to see a stream where the devs' killer players would go against nothing but high level efficient survivors and watched them get 5 Gen ran every fucking game if it meant they would open their eyes to the Gen speed problem DBD had at the highest level

  11. you don't need scourge hook and pop goes because sometimes the white hook location is far and waste alot of time, in game 1 for example u hooked him twice but did nt use pop goes efficiently. You need passive slowdown, like dying lights + thanaphobia or even the combo of new perk destroying boon (shattered hope+hex pentimento). That will be more efficient in slowing them down doing the gen because u are good in killer main. U can try it, i think it will be better


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