17,000 Hour Clicky Squad Gets DESTROYED | Dead By Daylight

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48 thoughts on “17,000 Hour Clicky Squad Gets DESTROYED | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I faced a toxic bully squad before got my ass destroyed 🤧 next game a came another bully squad and got all of them as Pig I used Franklin's and Amanda's letter

  2. Normal survivor: *Does gen*
    Clicky wanabe toxic swf: "Let's see how much we can make this trial sound like a Geiger counter without actually doing anything…" =_=
    Sick vid CM 🙂

  3. 1:27 notice the distance he gained while being behind the wall (he didnt know about the hole in it) – obviously a speedhack, toggled for a couple of frames with a mouse wheel or perhaps a macro
    1:44 uses speedhack to arrive quickly in front of your face – there is very little chance she was hiding all that time behind the farthest wall of the block – and if she were, then how are they finishing the gens so quickly?

  4. It makes me really satisfied when you kill all of them because when I was started playing killer first times I got this kind ıf toxics and they made me quit on playing killer (btw in video they are not even good if you compare that hours and still clicky)

  5. Disgusting. Imagine playing this game only to start clicking like that in the beginning. What a waste. Having deadhards won't necessarily compensate for your lack of skill either when you playing against CM. We need more killers like you who ain't going to tolerate toxicity. I like that you always tend to remind these survivors they ain't sh*t.

  6. These types of players are exactly why I don't give a f about this game anymore, especially after the mmr change. I only have about 40hrs in the game and when I would play I would get a team that felt more like bots than players, then get people that are clearly way more experienced than me to the point where I can't even get a hit the whole game, and when I did get a hit or down they would dead hard and take hits and flashlight save. I would also have the squads that all wear the same thing so I can't tell who is who and stay together like a pack of rats

  7. I have played against squads like this, I am also very short on patience because of the reason you stated. They just bully new killers into never wanting to play again. Although as you have proven time and time again a little bit of sentience and knowledge from the killer and they just crumble.

  8. Its not only the new killer dont want to play the game anymore.. its the Advanced killers that do funny stuff (like meme builds) or be more "fun" by not tunnel or camping ( Dont get me wrong i dont mind it).
    But killer who get bullied dont go easy on surv anymore. They will tryhard and bring the most op stuff they can bring. Just in case the surv could be unfriendly.
    So that bullyquads not only make a killer live worse, they make surv live worse too.

  9. Love these sort of videos, it's true that SWFs like this make newer killers have a horrible time – so when an experienced killer who doesn't fall for their stupid shit puts them in their place, it feels good for the soul

  10. Man I love how CM just destroys morons like this but it reminds me why I stopped playing killer at all and rarely ever even play DBD at all these days. Idiots like these guys are just too much for me to deal with, I wish I could set age limits on opponents and team mates so I don't get obnoxious children like this

  11. These sort of people are the guys who deserve to be stuck in the hell of meta-slaving, drowning-in-sweat Blights and Nurses with 20k hours and with a mission of 4king in 5 minutes to save their families' lives until they quit the game for good, and then some.
    You wondering why are Killers either leave or become sweaty as fuck? Yeah, this is why.

  12. Been watching your vids for a while, loving the content! Specially love scrolling down to the bottom of the comments to find apologists and salty people who don't understand the state of the game, keep it up~

  13. I don't like to kill and when my MMR drop to the bottom, I always hope new or inexperienced player can have a intense game without any death. When I faced bullies, I will try my best to inflict emotional damage and hoping they can leave the game forever.

  14. Honestly i hope soon the Devs get bullied again by a swf squad, so they can wake up again like when Mathieu got bullied by the korean team and hag got immediately buffed while insta-blinds got removed from the game.

  15. People like this literally turned me off the game to the point where I uninstalled it. I am a mediocre killer, yet very often get put up against teams like this, and eventually it was just too much. It wasn’t fun anymore. Which is a shame cause I loved the game at first. So you are absolutely right about how teams like this affect the game and new killers

  16. I'm really glad you addressed their intent was to bully new killers into a DC. I had played a few matches as killer just starting out, had like 1 perk slot unlocked and I ran into a team that all switched to flashlights last second and basically made it impossible for me to get a single hook all game so I started to slug them, end game chat they were mad I slugged. I got very lucky and I got the 4k but it was so unpleasant that I haven't tried playing killer since.

  17. Honestly that’s how it happened to me when I started playing killer, and I’ve started playing in November so not even a year in this and that’s the type of survivor’s I’ve been getting

  18. Ah yes bully squads, if you win, they flame you because you either camp/tunnel or because they weren’t “trying”, if you lose, they flame you because you are trash. And ofc, they are survivor mains 99% of the time and they come at you saying that they always get 4ks whenever they play killer.

  19. I’ve faced squads like this and in the beginning it made for a difficult learning curve but after watching some of yours and otz videos I got a lot better and end up getting hate messages from these kinds of players now lol

  20. Had this happened to me 3 days ago. I just bought the game. Survivors had 10k hours combined and i have 15 rn probably had 13 or 14 whencit happened. They didnt do gens and constantly flashlighted me and when i asked why they didnt just do gens and bmed since they could tell i was new, they answered "just practice". Lost the fun of it for few games. And havent played again. Although im sure i will


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