Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Hey all it’s PotatoOnryo here I hope you’re well!
In todays video we have over 2 hours of content for you to enjoy!!!
Loads of games where we lose some and win some! We are still learning and experimenting with the new killer!
So I hope you enjoy this content! 😀
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#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DbD #BHVR #Legion
Early af to this one
This video made me realize I haven't played DBD in like 2 months and…really don't miss it XD
It's been a while since I've been here your my favorite dead by daylight youtuber
It is really frustrating to play as her. There is no round where I get not heavily gen rushed and I end up having only a couple hooks. She is really fun to play as however I think too weak for high MMR sadly…
Love the vibes and the vids! You’re the reason I started playing this game and I don’t regret it!
Yes dead hard is the UCKKHHHHRGH of all the perks in DBD.
hate this killer, disliking every video with her in it
Really neat killer with a pretty weak kit, competitively speaking.
A shame DBD has gone down the tubes after having a great year; it's like, BHVR finally got the game into a pretty good spot balance-wise between April and August of last year, and then threw it all away after the "skill" based matchmaking.
The games I play and see as killer really have condensed into to Solo-Queue Seal Clubbing or 4-man SWF Sweatfests and I wager that will remain the case for quite some time to come.
That Mikaela might have just been giving you a kill, too.
God watching this just makes me not want to play killer even more
I will say I am a huge advocate for this game lately, I will continue to climb my hours no matter what the state of the game.. I love this game, this killer has really made me feel better about the direction of where the game is going —- I can really care less what the community says about it…
Ps. For some reason a lot of players disconnect or give up (call me over) on me while playing this killer as well.
Thank you c:
The Onryo really needs good perks to thrive and reacch her full potential.
I recommend Corrupt Intervention, Barbeque & Chilli, Make your Choice and Pop goes the Weasel
“I went to the wrong telly”🤣🤣❤️
Why are all survivors so toxic?