28 Wins with EVERY Perk & Killer | Dead by Daylight

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We finally completed the All Perk Streak challenge, and oh boy did it take a while! This video breaks down the rules and strategies we used and showcases some of the most intense games from all of our attempts.

0:00:00 Intro
0:09:20 Cannibal (Coal Tower)
0:21:54 Shape (Cowshed)
0:29:18 Trapper (Azarov’s)
0:34:06 Ghostface (Thompson’s)
0:49:53 Hag (Dead Dawg Saloon)
1:02:02 Onryo (Haddonfield)
1:13:16 Spirit (The Game)
1:24:21 Wraith (Azarov’s)
1:37:22 Doctor (Gas Heaven)

APS Loadout Picture: https://i.imgur.com/uDu4dSP.jpg
APS Helper App: https://github.com/KumoKairo/all_perks_streak_helper/releases/

Watch live: https://www.twitch.tv/Otzdarva
Join our community: http://discord.gg/Otzdarva

Thumbnail render by Ev3ntic, background music by Alfeso and match data collected by Helix_D2. ❤


44 thoughts on “28 Wins with EVERY Perk & Killer | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Oh, I've done this sooooooooo long ago, the number of killers has increase quite a bit since then.
    Sometimes I miss playing killer…
    Congratz for this streak Otz ! I know how killer challenges can be… challenging.
    I wonder what you'll do next, this is going crazy, but hey, we all love it.

  2. Damn, im so happy i never watch your dbd streams. I thought that old, dark souls day otz is gone. You know, one with a little more bite, not trying to be "wholesome" all the time. But nah, he is still here, traped inside, but instead being funny he is just sad and toxic. Oh well

  3. You know you're living in 2022 when Otz says Object of Obsession is a terrible perk. The game still has some ways to go but hearing that makes me feel were going in the right direction.

  4. 1:15:17 more accurate translation for "Ny Spiritti vetäs!" would be "Whoa, now Spirit pulled it (off)!". For some reason Vetää "To pull" is used a lot in everyday speak when describing someone pulling off something great or crazy in finnish.

  5. you should try a add-on combo from legion if you haven't already : stylish sunglasses(see people who mending from 24 meters) with etched ruler ( survivors hit with feral slash are oblivious for 60 seconds) idk about perks yet tho

  6. Crazy how the only reason the Nancy in the Sadako game was so keen to touch the gen was because of her endgame perks. Dragon's Grip really punishes greed like that, so lucky!

  7. I really wish Unbreakable was being changed. I don't think it's healthy at all and can force the killer to play in incredibly unfun ways because it's just utterly uncounterable due to how you can never anticipate it and even one can make a massive change in the game that one perk just doesn't warrant. Up to 4 survivors can quickly pick themselves up and you never know who it could be or when it could happen, and SWF with it is kind of just busted. I hope BHVR does a really solid job at making a lot more useless perks much, much more appealing or I suspect the Unbreakable rate will skyrocket and it will be miserable. You can't even mitigate it on the killer side with any perks which impact slugging. Sloppy? Doesn't affect your own recovery rate. Knockout? being changed in an unknown wat, but currently hard countered by SWF and does not affect picking yourself up. Nurse's calling can help you see a survivor healing a teammate off the ground, but of course Unbreakable counters this. The Sloppy issue also applies to Coulrophobia, but perhaps the rework could impact it, who knows. I don't think it is weak or uncommon enough to try and put into the meta. Worried about this.

  8. So the challenge is you can only play the killer once and use a perk once right? How come you used whispers on Bubba and trapper? Or were they two separate streak attempts? Just confused, hopefully someone can clarify

  9. Hey otz if you even ever see this umm I know it's exhausting to to the 50 win streaks but I was wondering if you could redo the trickster 50 win streak since he has gone through some major changes anyway just a thing I thought would cool to do thanks lots of love keep doing what your doing.


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