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2v8 feels so survivor sided it makes me not wanting to play it at all. When i'm playing as a survivor its boring because its easy af, and when playing killer i just feel like there's nothing much i can do unless i sweat my balls off.
everyone saying to just put on 400% bp bonus for survivor
as if that will solve any event with one side being extremely bad or boring, almost nobody cares about bp if you arent a newbie
behavior, for the NEXT 2v8 actually put more content for 2v8 survivors
add new objectives and interactables for and against killers with multiple classes and team combos like killers can already do
Same god awful killer queue times. But screw killers if all you play is survivor, right?
Remove a couple gens and let survivors 3-gen themselves.
i simply don’t like the mode as a survivor because it’s almost always an unstoppable steam roll on either side. you get weaker killers/stronger survivors and can easily get an 8 man escape without you doing much of anything, or you’ll get teammates that drop like flies and don’t do any gens, so you’re just left farming for as many blood points as possible before you inevitably get 2v1’d and killed off as well.
one thing i hope they add in the next 2v8 are changes FOR solo q players that let players better interact with eachother, like adding the ability to see whether or not somebody’s class ability is up. most of the fun to be had in 2v8 as survivor is mainly in coordinated play with at least a few survivors. a medic doesn’t really feel all too fun all the time, but have 2 that are both on the same page and they can do some crazy fun things.
Calling developers insane or crazy via a clip from elsewhere over changes in their game is not it. Such language stigmatizes mental illness and is unacceptable. Do better.
They should just give each survivor a unique ability and item that could play to each of their strengths instead of relying on a class based system. Identity V does this pretty well although that game was built for survivor gameplay to be unique. I know that eventually behavior will figure it out and iron the mode out a bit more.
Ion know but iam tired of going against huntress pick someone else 😒
Another thing about the catch upo mechanics is that there is functionally no difference between a Survivor escaping at 0 hook stages or at 2 hook stages. Both results count as survived, however now one of them gives the Survivors a boost. Also guides can get purposefully get hooked to take advantage of the guides unlocked perk and do gens insanely faster.
They should put 14 gens in total and that survivors need to do 10 gens put only 2 hatchs , 4 doors , and if its to killer sided add more hook states to survivors
They ruined it. I played as good as I could as a Nurse with a Blight teammate, and we still could not keep pressure across all the gens unless the survivors are actual dumbasses. Our chases were like two seconds long but IN THOSE TWO SECONDS 3 gens are at 90%. And as if that wasn't bad enough bhvr decided to add the horrid pick up mechanic that, firstly just slows the game pace to a halt and wastes EVEN MORE of your time as killer, and secondly is completely pointless cause the amount of times they went for flash saves was like 3 times in all of my games. And lets not forget the fact that caging in the endgame is pretty much useless as well. Considering the fact you can't see where a caged survivor is, and the fact that seemingly all of my games, if I send them to a cage in endgame, they get sent basically right next to the exit gate, giving them a free ass escape. And we have to wait 30+ minutes for a single game of this. Thanks bhvr.
I think all it takes to make survivors queue up is proximity chat
Idk I don't feel like youre hitting the nail here. Imo the only problem with the mode is the queue time. To say "survivor is too easy" which is apparently why everyone is playing killer??? that doesn't make sense. Maybe you like "challenge" But given how in the past when the game was survivor sided we didnt seem to have this issue of everyone playing killer, I don't think this is the case. Most people like free wins. Sure itd get boring after a while, but this shift was never seen, the queue times, at least in my server have been permanent 250% bonus for survivor. Imo as a survivor main, I prefer playing killer on the mode too, I'd rather play survivor 4v1 it has nothing to do with the challenge, honestly when it comes to killer I don't care about winning and I like escaping as survivor. But I like playing with other people, thats why I prefer survivor in the first place. This is the first time we can duo killer, even playing with a random, its fun and new. Meanwhile survivor is not much different, except that its just so chaotic and there isnt much customisability. I had fun playing survivor with my friend when we duo medics and used the ability combo, but there isn't much interesting you can do beside that. We can't bring items or perks so we can't try cool builds and get them to work. I think it could be cool if it had a skill tree or something.
2v8 is super fun if you can loop well. The killers are less likely to stay in chase for long, so if u can go more than 30 seconds they'll leave you🤣🤣👌
Brah, all the big DbD content creators are doing brain-dead takes on 2v8. It's refreshing to see a logical take done by someone not "on their knees" for BHVR. Like, I knew these changes would only make the mode worse when I was reading about them in the patch notes. I wonder if Scott Jund still thinks about queue times being pretty much worse this time around (despite his predictions expecting the mode to improve from the changes). Tho, I know him and the others will just refuse to acknoledge anything disproving their bias.
To add a little more to the class system: Survivors classes require barely any effort to get great results; Killers classes are gimmicky at best and have conditions that remove your buffs constantly throught the match. I prefered the Killer classes from last time around. Each one had senergy with their teammate. In this version of the mode, I find myself struggling to pick which useless classes me and my one friend (I literally only have one friend left willing to play this game for reasons I'm sure everyone is familiar with) should pick. Or I play survivor, which isn't as exciting as such a mode should be. It's sad, because the concept of 2v8 has soooooooo much potential to even surpass the regular 1v4.
Since I play 99% killer and can't play killer now in either mode because of the queues, now I get to try survivor lol
The gen change was not needed. The speed of gens are crazy fast and rebuilding pallets really? My boyfriend and I both struggle with matches me playing spirit and him as wraith like we have good matches where we do good but it’s the swfs that ruin it 4pallet rebuilders and loopers etc. it’s just like really. I have so many hours on this game I am a good killer but when survivor has everything handed to them what can ya do.
Watched this vid twice before my 2v8 killer game was found
We have a problem with having too many killers for the amount of survivors. This problem would get worse if survivors are nerfed in this mode.
absolutley click bait title, it is no way the same
I see hilly, I DC. I don't care. this madafuka should never exist !!!
Its crazy how its 2v8 yet in most games only 1-3 players are doing gens
to the players out there not doing gens…WHAT THE FOK ARE U DOING. I totally understand if you're in chase but ive seen players just hug the outside wall the entire match
no mmr truly reminds me of the days before it
I understand if most wint agree with me. i wish they'd just add bots to make the queue times for killer less punishing, just for 2v8 and given how some players, as stated in the video, are that incompetent, adding bots wpukdnt make much difference, some, not alot.
As a wraith main, wraith is way overtuned and easily the strongest killer in the roster. Even better than nurse in some cases due to skill gap.
The novelty has never wered off for me. I'm still enjoying both sides.
I understand what your saying but I have to disagree I’ve been playing dbd since the first anniversary and 2v8 is the most fun I’ve ever had in this game. For me it adds something back that died in this game long ago casual fun. 1v4 is just too sweaty now and sure you could say it’s a skill issue but being able to play this game without MMR making it exhausting after 3 matches is so refreshing. I hope they make this permanent eventually. I’d be willing to bet if they made it permanent queue times would improve because people aren’t gonna be rushing to get as many killer matches in for the 2 weeks they can play it. The difference between 2v8 and TCSM is that Texas is entirely map knowledge and that is the ONLY thing you need to get good at to dominate. Once you fully know the maps in Texas it’s a boring and repetitive “party game” with basically no in game progression after a certain point. Again if you find 2v8 boring and repetitive I can get it but imo there’s way more going for 2v8 than tcsm.