3 META DREDGE BUILDS! | Dead by Daylight

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#DBD #dbdkiller
0:00 – Intro


17 thoughts on “3 META DREDGE BUILDS! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I remember playing against you a while (around 6 months) ago as artist and you gave some pretty helpful pointers when I came into your twitch chat. It's cool to see you recommended on yt, hope ur channel grows :DDD

  2. My thoughts on these builds:

    The expose build is fun and your version is certainly a more meta version which makes sense for the title but I run Hex: Devour Hope which compliments Make Your Choice. Additionally I run Hex: Haunted Ground and Hex: Undying which either makes there be two Haunted Grounds which will make there be lots of free downs giving you those easy stacks of Devour Hope early on or it gives two lives to Devour Hope which gives you hopefully plenty of time to get those stacks. However, like any build with Hexes it's much more risky and has no regression in a meta that sees gens fly as fast as they do. Awesome build, Chris!

    For the Slug build I wish I got to see it more in action. I feel like that game was won kinda no matter what. I was really curious how the synergy works with that add on and Dead Man's Switch that you mentioned. Not that it was at all a bad build but I just didn't really get to see it in full glory. Generally, Slug builds have Knock Out and/or Deerstalker my personal Dredge Slug Build has those with NOED and Bitter Murmur. I highly recommend it. If nothing else Sloppy Butcher is one of Dredge's best perks especially with Malthinker Skull and because you'll get Nightfall more often and that makes Hex: Face The Darkness much stronger since you have no terror radius.

    The 3rd build is probably the strongest. It's not the most interesting but that's the meta for you! The new Eruption could also be quite good on Dredge since you get regression still and aura reading.

  3. For the 3 Clown meta builds video here's my personal 3 as your resident Clown main!

    Slowdown Clown: Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain, Dying Light, Thanatophobia, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
    (Redhead's Pinky Finger + Cheap Gin Bottle)

    Aura reading Clown: Lethal Pursuer, Nowhere To Hide, Call of Brine, Eruption
    (Tattoo's Middle Finger + Cigar Box)
    [This will be better when the Eruption change is live since it will also give you aura reading.)

    Save The Best For Last, Jolt, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance Sloppy Butcher
    (Cheap Gin Bottle + Sticky Soda Bottle)

    I know the add ons are repeated a bit but this is easily his 3 strongest builds and he just doesn't have much else for good add ons, unfortunately. Hope to see these in a future video! ❤️


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