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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
i feel if they just shift w pre dropped pallets there was no winning
4 gens in 4 minutes. Tell me this isn't a problem? Wow. I had this problem all day as well playing him. Can't have a long enough game to get good practice in lmao
What do you expect when you are not paying attention to the game and just chatting with your viewers? It took him 2 minutes to realise there was an Object in the game, and after this first hook he didn't go and check any of the other gens, he literally walked around the outside of the map in the same direction in which he came from. Of course the gens will go flying when you apply no pressure
I've noticed that the 4% turns into a higher % when everyone is slugged and on the ground
Are they still gonna buff dead hard???
i mean they could've popped 3 after the first chase but only 1 guy was on a gen
Wow trickster doesnt hum when reloading from killer side but survivor side he does, that's weird
I feel like this killer is so close to being something good, but 8 knives to take a health state is just too much considering all his issues, and his main event seems slightly unworth it
What you said about Object is true. When it comes to balancing this game, the devs seem to smoke crack that went bad
chase music so bad
All the comments are talking about gen speeds when the man still got a 4K
4:04 that really baited me
Almo said OoO is fine because, get this, the stats show the players who use it don't have a high escape rate. who'd have thought? 😂🤦🏻♂️
Nurse – spirit – Freddy = NORMAL MODE
Other killers = HARD MODE
Trickster = U wanna lose? MODE
Same happened to me. Such a great character, but I think his blades need to take less to do more.
Imagine having a killer ability that's basically old Freddy in terms of how much you have to wait before it actually does something.
And then it starts degrading over time.
I am Killer rank 1 with 150 hours played. I made it to rank Killer rank 2 in my first 40 hours. I'd love to see some "data" from Behavior about the Killer population and how many fall into what ranks. When I first start playing feel like I get 4-5 turbo sweaty matches in a row. Then once I am in a semi-tilt no fun mindset the game feeds me greens/purples with one red caliber player.
Behavior has even said rank is about time played. So it comes down to math and statistical "wins" to rocket people to red. Kind of how like in CSGO people can reach Global Elite purely off ratio and not "skill". I wouldn't be shocked if a large part of killer population is red ranks just bc of how the system works. I don't feel that I am THAT good be at rank 1. It would interesting to see the caliber of killer who normally floats in purple and how much they actually play.
Not excited to play the Trickster, but I'll get the DLC for the perks. Wish they still put out new maps when they released new killers and survivors. I think a city-scape type map might be kinda cool to play on.
he is a weak killer in many areas
The trickster is having a blast he won’t shut up