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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
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Think ash may I've been happy to use his flip flop though lol
The only possible way to get a faster 4k than this is pre nerf Huntress iri head with purple belt imo
4D in 50 seconds*
win 🙂
my record is faster ahaha
Killers will do shit like this and then cry about genrushing survivors. All jokes aside, impressive use of the insta down add on, that one and Deathslinger's are the only 2 insta downs I can respect.
So satisfying
I'm a Oni player, not a Blight, but doing those fast 4 man slug is also an usual for me with Infectious Fright, and I gonna say, when it happens, especially such early, I turn it into a farm game. I'd be annoyed on the survivor side to get stomped that fast.
You are an incredible monster! Again, I have to ask, is there any survivors out there able to match you? Do you ever lose playing blight? Like badly, 0k or something like that?
"entity displeased" pip lost
should've ran monitor over deerstalker
Still wonder how Alchemist's ring still hasn't been gutted Already.
Kind of clickbait. 4 downs in 50 seconds. From a 4 down to a 4k is a long way with the current meta.
I personally haven't dc'ed in like over a year. But if I spent 15 minutes to get into a lobby just to face this, I would probably consider it😂
(To be fair I'm not that good, I play killer more often due to solo queue being pain)
Damn this has to be the new WR unless someone dc'd right after the clip
Wait, how is he 1 shotting everyone? Is that an addon?
Imagine losing a lot and you almost had it so you play one more and get this match
yeah pig obviously needs a nerf
I really respect the skill that it takes the play blight this well, but my god is alchemist ring busted.
Finally someone speed ran this game
Jesus Christ Lilith..
saw this on stream
Bruh, even thouth that looks a low ranked survivors you still need the skill to do this. So this man did the impossible
This is impressive asf but I would be so mad if I was in this game haha after queuing up for so long.
Bruh….that's just incredible
I’ve never wanted to be a blight main but seeing you go and do that with ease honestly makes me badly want to play him now
C'est laid… Tu m'étonnes qu'on voient que des Blight joué comme ça avec 13k vues pfff Aucunes personnalités les joueurs…
meanwhile devs yeah lets nerf twins lol
killers complaining about meta perks when they do stuff like this in PUBS lmao
Any % speed run
My record 44 sec, try to faster bro 🥇
So I’m not the only one having short matches damn. Except of coarse I don’t use alch ring ever
Dead by daylight (any % speedrun)
Ring is so busted XD
seen the title and thought only Lilith omen could provide this
precioso 👌
So THIS is what killer mains are talking about when they keep saying Survivors are OP…
world record ???
Never in my time of playing DBD have I seen a Blight do this tactic: 0:52
Blight Gaming
Damn Blight is strong af