4k in 50 Seconds | Dead By Daylight

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45 thoughts on “4k in 50 Seconds | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Killers will do shit like this and then cry about genrushing survivors. All jokes aside, impressive use of the insta down add on, that one and Deathslinger's are the only 2 insta downs I can respect.

  2. I'm a Oni player, not a Blight, but doing those fast 4 man slug is also an usual for me with Infectious Fright, and I gonna say, when it happens, especially such early, I turn it into a farm game. I'd be annoyed on the survivor side to get stomped that fast.

  3. You are an incredible monster! Again, I have to ask, is there any survivors out there able to match you? Do you ever lose playing blight? Like badly, 0k or something like that?

  4. I personally haven't dc'ed in like over a year. But if I spent 15 minutes to get into a lobby just to face this, I would probably consider it😂
    (To be fair I'm not that good, I play killer more often due to solo queue being pain)


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