5 AMAZING Perks To Counter The Healing Nerfs! – Dead By Daylight

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Today were are looking at five great perks that can really help with the upcoming healing changes!
#dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdsurvivor #dbdperks

PTB/UPDATE NOTES: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/382

Music – Affogato By Lukrembo

Intro 0:00
Discussing PTB & Healing Changes – 0:30
Inner Healing – 2:21
Autodidact- 3:18
Desperate Measures – 4:02
We’ll Make It – 4:45
Resilience – 5:15
*BONUS PERK* – 6:05
Twitch Streaming & Times – 7:21
End – 8:13


22 thoughts on “5 AMAZING Perks To Counter The Healing Nerfs! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Like I said, I have the suspect that bhvr Will tone down the nerf on healing…and that was its intention from the start (so survs can "feel" Better cause they see a change in their favor).
    I really Hope I am wrong, I hate these kind of tricks from a company

  2. A good healing perk I used to use a lot when I was starting is the Jill Valentine one that starts you off with 50% of healing done to yourself when getting unhooked which if the killer doesn't have sloppy I think would also be really good for getting those heals faster

  3. Healing change is somewhat healthy considering survivors will have a general idea as to what others are doing with the status icons for repairing generators. The general idea for the healing change is to not have Boon: Circle of Healing be too reliable and overshadow other healing perks and Boon perks. Yes the healing on the PTB may be atrocious when paired with all the Anti-healing builds that killers run. However, there are plenty of healing perks to be used as a counter for sloppy butcher.

  4. Great job mew 👏looking forward to those stream highlight videos as I don't often have time to tune in and watch(often having to go back later to watch something)I like how you think bout perks and try to solve problems that behavior makes 😆👍 I already changed my build over because they destroyed DH and now I don't need vigil to recover it faster and this actually freed me up to change my play style and I am really enjoying the new games 😎👌 so I actually feel like a little version of you adapting to the challenge. I run more of a subterfuge build now rather than a "see what I can get away with" build. I will miss deadhard but I like finding ways to meet challenges and still overcoming the odds. So now I am running resilence, wake up, spinechill(or stakeout)and quick and quiet. It allows me to grow stronger when injured and in the end game it saves my life 50% of the time to have resilence stack with wake up to escape when my team members have died or DC'd or in a rescue cuz I can open the gate quickly and also hide without making noise or being seen. It's a new version of "see what I can get away with" 😎👌 thanks for the videos and different thinking 👏

  5. Inner strength is good but I still think it'll become pretty toxic and selfish. Because lets all be honest some of us are like annoyed of selfish survivors and its gonna get worse. The fight and search for totems are gonna be toxic IMO

  6. My problem is with the gens being 90s or more and now with healing being longer, I think Im gonna get bored staring at the bar go up whether I like it or not. And low tier players WILL definitely be healing which means more staring at the bar go up.

    Once this update goes up and if theres no changes, Im taking a break.

    And not to mention if I get downed, the recovery is slow af as well.

  7. One thing I noticed about perks like Reactive, Resurgence and specifically Solidarity: if the killer has sloppy, Hemorrhage only takes effect if your progress bar is „updated“, IE when you or someone else begins healing you. Might be a bug but surely makes them a tiny bit better. Seems to be because the progress is gained passively and the progress loss is only calculated with regular heals


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