5 Tips for The Singularity – Dead By Daylight

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In this video, I’ll give you 5 very useful tips for The Singularity. After watching it, you will play like a professional!

The Singularity, also known as HUX-A7-13 is the new killer, which comes with Chapter 28 “End Transmission”. There is also a new survivor Gabriel Soma.

0:00 – Intro
0:23 – This killer is not a male!
1:36 – Prioritize placing biopods over chasing survivors
3:20 – Place your biopods in the most common areas of the map
4:34 – Perks that will make you OP while in Overclock mode
5:57 – Do not forget about biopods
6:29 – You can easily camp thanks to your biopods

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