5 Tips To ALWAYS 4K | Dead By Daylight Killer Tips

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Sick of survivors always escaping? Here are the best dbd killer tips to securing a 4k nearly every single game!

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Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9am – 3pm cst


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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

#deadbydaylight #fogwhisperer

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33 thoughts on “5 Tips To ALWAYS 4K | Dead By Daylight Killer Tips”

  1. I do believe this game is survivor side but thats kind of fine, i think the point of this game is just to get 2-3 kill considering its 4v1. The problem is just playing killer isnt as fun as survivor atm

    With some killer need add-ons to be even fun or they need high-end perks to even be creative. Survivor the other hand just need 1 exhaust perk and 3 whatever you like and you are good to.

    Lately i just play survivor most of the time now

  2. I mostly play survivor although I've poured a lot of BP into killers too unlock perks and get the right builds. With Circle of Healing though it's making me rethink whether or not I want to try to play killer since it's so difficult to combat. (That and almost every time I play killer EVERYONE is hiding in a bush, and running around the whole game trying to find a survivor isn't fun at all. )

    Thanks for the tips though, when I play Kill Your Friends I've noticed the back and forth technique works wonders!

    Looking forward to the next podcast too! Already rated 5 stars!

  3. Awesome as always! Excellent editing, informative voiceover and just general high production value. I always enjoy your content, even if I'm not playing DBD myself. Thank you for all your effort, this one was truly insightful 🙂

  4. DBD killer is all about brain power, you want to play smart and make good decisions. It may seem hard now but it will 100% get easier the more you play

  5. Also recommend if you have a really altruistic team and you know you have someone on hook go to the exit gate open them up put a lot more pressure on them and mistakes; it’s a high risk high reward. And very fun Especially with like a trapper a hag even doc good this late game

  6. Good content! I always go in with a strong game plan, but as soon as I start chasing I forget all the knowledge that would've saved the game XD. Does anyone else here just get caught in a chase and forget the strategy? lol

  7. It's a shame that killers simply don't have the time to chase and hook. Sometimes you just have to camp and tunnel… and accept the whining of the survivors in the postchat.

  8. Most handy- thanks again. Losing your calm is the worst that can happen as killer. When the games have interesting dynamics whilst everyone gets a chance to play- that's when I have the most fun.

  9. Definitely some good tips for playing killer as up until recently I had let my interest in playing killer fade due to lack of interest as well as toxic survivors (It’s hard to want to play killer especially playing someone you had just purchased with your soul shards). So I appreciate the tips on how to maintain a strong presence throughout the game as well as applying pressure to your opponents. Super helpful thanks Dyllon! 😊🙏🏽

  10. Hello. I started playing DbD like a month ago, it was given free on Epic Games, and I really wanna invest more time in this game. It just feels fun, to be honest. Getting the free DLC would be pretty cool to be honest, since i would learn more about playing and countering Ghostie. Please like my comment, much apreciation for everything that u do, here, from Romania.

  11. I'm so thankful that you make this guide because after every killer game i play i feel like the bad guy. And sometimes I get "death treats or they say i should kill myself" on endgame chat.


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