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This video explains the general strategy I followed to get 50 wins in a row with the Clown. For the purpose of this challenge, we consider a win getting four kills (or three kills if they escape after hatch). This is the craziest one yet.
0:00:00 Intro
0:01:26 General strategy
0:06:40 Builds explained
0:15:40 Overview of matches
0:20:25 Match #1 Coal Tower
0:31:38 Match #2 Gas Heaven
0:47:37 Match #3 Blood Lodge
0:58:35 Match #4 Haddonfield
1:02:39 Match #5 Torment Creek
1:13:37 Match #6 Disturbed Ward
1:24:24 Match #7 Suffocation Pit
1:30:42 Match #8 Rotten Fields
1:41:25 Match #9 Rotten Fields
1:52:46 Match #10 Grim Pantry
2:00:16 Match #11 Temple of Purgation
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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:
Oops! 😅 Due to an editing error, some example footage is missing in the intro. That aside, please do NOT miss the last game of this compilation.
Thank you very much for making these videos Otz, and I understand Nina helps a lot too. Long form content like this is absolutely my favourite kind. I would certainly watch if you uploaded the entire 50 games.
1:01:53 "I am going to be your worst nightmare"
que stabby killy Omega Flowey montage
He finally did it this is amazing
Get it? Meg-a royally screwed up?
Chat is the worst part of Otz streams. He wins 30+ games in a row, loses one and everyone says stream sniping/cheating/gen rushing/swf op. One guy literally said in match 1 that doing a gen by yourself should take 180 seconds…brain dead. I love watching Otz play but the bias in chat is through the roof insane.
Hello otz. I was banned on name on twicth is nutcranket. Can you unban me. I admet that i was spaming for you to play killer. After my ban i eesheched why u was banned and i didnt no i coude ask you to play bad. Also i did type out something long to see if my messege is getting threw cuz i didnt see it in chat everytime i asked for you to play as killer. When i was banned it said i was warned but i didnt see that i was warned. I cheacked my inbox and everything and didnt see a warning. Maby he/she wrote it in chate but the chat gouse to fast for me to read and i didnt see it. If you can unban i would really like that or at lest give me a time when i can be unbaned. Like a year leater or something. nutcranket
I think Decisive Strike should apply a 20 sec Deep Wound on the person escaping.
So glad I was here for this, this was one of the most stressful games and glad you finally made it to 50.5😉
Ive seen the first 3 Matches and im confident that im never gonna play Clown in the Future xD
You should show the point you are at on the streak for each gsme
I still don’t believe it
Ah a perfect toilet break video.
Only ruined by couple dozen people banging the stall door…
"You're a fucking Clown both in real life and in the game."
-Definitely not Otzdarva
Go for 50 wins with DEATHSLINGER!!!!
Why am I experiencing deja vu throughout this video?
Seeing Otz run around for any period of time without bottles.
My one brain cell having Time Crisis flashbacks: Reload! Reload! Reload!
The world is ending
The stress we all felt (mostly otz) during his streams was too much thankfully it’s all over
Would it be possible for you to make a current best builds for fun gameplay as killer and as survivor? Maybe once the new perks and characters come out?
Playing clown in DbD is the recreation of that one scene in Joker where Arthur Fleck gets his sign smashed into him and kicked around by some teens.
50 win streak against potatoes. lol
It would be awesome if otz colabs with xqc it would be pogU