50 Win Streak on Clown | Dead by Daylight

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This video explains the general strategy I followed to get 50 wins in a row with the Clown. For the purpose of this challenge, we consider a win getting four kills (or three kills if they escape after hatch). This is the craziest one yet.

0:00:00 Intro
0:01:26 General strategy
0:06:40 Builds explained
0:15:40 Overview of matches
0:20:25 Match #1 Coal Tower
0:31:38 Match #2 Gas Heaven
0:47:37 Match #3 Blood Lodge
0:58:35 Match #4 Haddonfield
1:02:39 Match #5 Torment Creek
1:13:37 Match #6 Disturbed Ward
1:24:24 Match #7 Suffocation Pit
1:30:42 Match #8 Rotten Fields
1:41:25 Match #9 Rotten Fields
1:52:46 Match #10 Grim Pantry
2:00:16 Match #11 Temple of Purgation

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


24 thoughts on “50 Win Streak on Clown | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Thank you very much for making these videos Otz, and I understand Nina helps a lot too. Long form content like this is absolutely my favourite kind. I would certainly watch if you uploaded the entire 50 games.

  2. Chat is the worst part of Otz streams. He wins 30+ games in a row, loses one and everyone says stream sniping/cheating/gen rushing/swf op. One guy literally said in match 1 that doing a gen by yourself should take 180 seconds…brain dead. I love watching Otz play but the bias in chat is through the roof insane.

  3. Hello otz. I was banned on twicth.my name on twicth is nutcranket. Can you unban me. I admet that i was spaming for you to play killer. After my ban i eesheched why u was banned and i didnt no i coude ask you to play killer.my bad. Also i did type out something long to see if my messege is getting threw cuz i didnt see it in chat everytime i asked for you to play as killer. When i was banned it said i was warned but i didnt see that i was warned. I cheacked my inbox and everything and didnt see a warning. Maby he/she wrote it in chate but the chat gouse to fast for me to read and i didnt see it. If you can unban i would really like that or at lest give me a time when i can be unbaned. Like a year leater or something. nutcranket

  4. Would it be possible for you to make a current best builds for fun gameplay as killer and as survivor? Maybe once the new perks and characters come out?


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