50 Win Streak on Myers | Dead by Daylight

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After having previously failed at it, yesterday we finally achieved our coveted 50 wins in a row with Myers. For the purpose of this challenge, we consider a win getting four kills (or three kills if they are forced to escape after hatch).

00:00 Introduction
00:53 Build
03:30 Essential Tips
08:35 Game 1 – Midwich
14:13 Game 2 – Suffocation Pit
25:29 Game 3 – Mother’s Dwelling
37:08 Game 4 – Shelter Woods
48:30 Game 5 – Rotten Fields

Watch live: https://www.twitch.tv/Otzdarva
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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


45 thoughts on “50 Win Streak on Myers | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Nice to know that stalking makes you lose collision that’s what happen to me in a game with ghostface when I tried to body block an exit gate that was 99% from a david which is a technic I’ve learn from you which I saw in another video then I tried to mark him cause he was like 70% or 80% mark then I ended looking like a clown cause he went through me he open the gate and escaped 🤡 🤡🤡

  2. Congratulations Otz for the 50 Myers wins. I’ve recently got hooked on dbd thanks to your streams, and now that I got the game I’ve been oriented around the killers. Unfortunately I’m not too good (obviously), but I hope in time I get better. Thank you


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