50 Win Streak On WESKER! – Dead by Daylight

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50 Win Streak On WESKER! – Dead by Daylight
TWITCH https://www.twitch.tv/d3ad_plays

Today I show my best techniques and build to help achieve a 50 win streak on wesker, aka the mastermind.
We have albert wesker with the new resident evil update to dbd. Funny moments and meme fail. Killer tips at high mmr. Toxic swf.

D3AD Plays

Stream Everyday 5pm EST.

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0:00 Intro & Build
1:28 Techniques
2:01 Comp Match!
10:10 Clicky Squad!
15:55 Almost Lost!
21:20 Game 50

otzdarva, no0b3


27 thoughts on “50 Win Streak On WESKER! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Ive watched about 30+ of your videos for quite a while and just decided to sub…
    I like how impersonal you are about the game, And just really good at explaining the mechanics happening in game

    Keep up the great work, My #1 DBD YouTuber

  2. They need to tweak this boy and add normal recharge. Look at Blight and Nurse. And give add-ons which are not useless. Also, I think 3 dash base kit wouldn't be op. I think devs are jest afraid to do so…


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