50 WINS ON CLOWN! | Dead by Daylight

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Using our BEST CLOWN BUILD, we are now over 50 wins in a row on clown!

BEST CLOWN BUILD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxJFLdcE_Jk&ab_channel=Greyletters
Make sure to follow me on twitch! – https://www.twitch.tv/greyletters
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#DBD #dbdkiller

0:00 – Intro
0:18 – Family Residence!
4:12 – The 50th Win! (Suffocation Pit)


19 thoughts on “50 WINS ON CLOWN! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. How do people get these win streaks with mmr? Wouldn't you eventually get to a game with a cheater (that isn't obvious enough not to count it) or a 4 BNP sweat squad or something uncounterable?

  2. Clown is a fun killer, but every Clown player I meet just seems to be so mean so he's starting to just o lower on likable killers on the tier list due to bad association. It's unfortunate but ey, I'll always have a small soft spot


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