6 Unanswered Dead by Daylight Mysteries!

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Hey everyone, today I thought we’d look over some of DbD’s mysteries and attempt to solve them or at least discuss them and get some better understanding. Let’s get into it.

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Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there): https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone

Intro 0:00
How are we on a different planet inside of the realm? (and why now?) 0:10
Can the Entity create life? If so, how complex? 2:21
Why did the Entity choose remake Freddy? 4:05
Do survivors still need to consider human functions? 5:19
What do the characters do when not in the trials? 6:42
What happens to characters when they leave? (what happened to ST?) 7:52
Outro 9:18


50 thoughts on “6 Unanswered Dead by Daylight Mysteries!”

  1. Maybe for the first one it could be from the multiverse since it’s canon or it’s a possibility of something that can play out and the entity liked how the concept of it was and decided to tear into that reality and bring it into its own

  2. My question would be what do the survivors talk about? Or what do they think is going on?

    But also, not everyone speaks the same language. So do survivors like Feng, Viktor, and the Lyras struggle to communicate with the rest of the survivors?

  3. My headcanon with Stranger Things is that all of them managed to escape and the Nancies, Steves, Jonathans and demos we still see from time to time are like "copies" made by the entity so the rest of survivors and killers won't suspect that it is possible to escape the realm 👀

  4. In regards to using remake Freddy (besides license issues) You could also argue remake Freddy brings out more negative feelings and emotions which the entity likes. OG freddy was a messed up serial killer but, we were excited to see what goofy stuff he'd be up to. Whereas remake Freddy everybody loathes him, hates the direction of his character in the universe and us as the audience watching his film. We hate that they went the route of making him a canonical child predator, instead of leaving it ambiguous. It also brings out anger that he's not being portrayed by a different actor instead of the one we are familiar with and love. So entity saw him as a better fit. Not only because he is a far more messed up person compared to og freddy but, also because he brings out more negative emotions from characters in universe and us as the gamers playing as him/against him in the trials. If you believe the 'We are the entity' theory.

  5. 2:21 I think the dredge is another really good example of the entity creating life from scratch, because the dredge isnt even real. It's just what the people were afraid of. Those people killed eachother because of their fear of this thing that didnt exist. And when the entity saw that, it created the dredge and released it into the realm.

  6. Entity is not creating life. Entity is just not killing survivors. Entity prevents their deaths, maybe wipe their memories of lost trial and send back to camp. Victor is also not ressurected, it is not existing. Victor is made by the Entity, this is why it can deattached from Charlotte, they both cannot act at the same time, and Victor is respawned after being kicked.

  7. For me with the Stranger Things theory, because the entity takes multiple versions of the survivors (hence why we can play as 2 Nancies & 2 Steves ect) I reckon that some of the multiple versions of the Stranger Things characters (Steve, Nancy and Johnathan) found a way to escape the realm through that massive portal in the Hawkins Lab room, and because it was a trial, the Demogorgon followed as well. The entity wasn't having it and shut off the survivors and killers from the Hawkins realm to prevent that from happening again, hence why we can't play there anymore. The entity probably couldn't bring them back for some reason and now the only reasons you still see Demogorgons, Steves, Nancies and Johnathans are because they didn't escape when they had the chance. (Idk just my personal theory that makes it more exciting than Netflix being boring, also semi gives them a happier ending?)

  8. “Eerie is probably the most supernatural map” what about garden of Eden or whatever the dredge map is called? That map is kind of weird

  9. As the one with ALL the answers. I could answer these if interested.
    For example

    1: Different planet? No. You're all dealing with metaphysics, and psionics. These are games played in the realm of the mind's power, and reality fabrication. Entities realm is a darker form of limbo in which perhaps the BEST example is in fact a possessed limbo. In limbo you pay for mortal sins, and if controlled by an entity you could never repent, never escape. It's a hellish limbo for all.

    2: Entity would not 'steal' life if it could create life. It wants the energy giving off by false hope being destroyed as time goes on. It has clearly made attempts to gain power, and more manipulation over the realms. Like a growing consciousness? Example: Later on entity would kill off survivors in EGC. <<< It learns, and grows. Yet only seemingly it's own form, and not being a separate creature. Dredge my stir this hypothesis up a bit?

    3: Entity would never get Wes Cravens Krueger back then because they were not worthy, or wealthy enough.
    Boot leg Freddy was thrown in so WE COULD have a Freddy representation. It has always been a weak failure in practice. (Early early life license issues. )

    4: Does survivor need to stop, and take a crap in the woods?
    NO they are in a limbo that repeats itself. WOULD BE NICE IF THEY DID THOUGH, because at least then swf criminals would do SOMETHING other than five gens in three minutes. Bullying punks.

    5: Do you not pay attention to the fire place? Right there is where they are before the next trial. It's an infinite limbo-so it ties into why survivors are always right into the next match. Good writing there when the lore ties perfectly into gameplay.

    6: You said Steve, so you are referring to permanently leave? Unlike the limbo of repeated trials the lore does not tie into any loss of license rights. Steve, Nancy, and Demo just ceased to exist, and is not lore exclusive or added at all.

  10. As the one with ALL the answers. I could answer these if interested.

    For example

    1: Different planet? No. You're all dealing with metaphysics, and psionics. These are games played in the realm of the mind's power, and reality fabrication. Entities realm is a darker form of limbo in which perhaps the BEST example is in fact a possessed limbo. In limbo you pay for mortal sins, and if controlled by an entity you could never repent, never escape. It's a hellish limbo for all.

    2: Entity would not 'steal' life if it could create life. It wants the energy giving off by false hope being destroyed as time goes on. It has clearly made attempts to gain power, and more manipulation over the realms. Like a growing consciousness? Example: Later on entity would kill off survivors in EGC. <<< It learns, and grows. Yet only seemingly it's own form, and not being a separate creature. Dredge my stir this hypothesis up a bit?

    3: Entity would never get Wes Cravens Krueger back then because they were not worthy, or wealthy enough.

    Boot leg Freddy was thrown in so WE COULD have a Freddy representation. It has always been a weak failure in practice. (Early early life license issues. )

    4: Does survivor need to stop, and take a crap in the woods?

    NO they are in a limbo that repeats itself. WOULD BE NICE IF THEY DID THOUGH, because at least then swf criminals would do SOMETHING other than five gens in three minutes. Bullying punks.

    5: Do you not pay attention to the fire place? Right there is where they are before the next trial. It's an infinite limbo-so it ties into why survivors are always right into the next match. Good writing there when the lore ties perfectly into gameplay.

    6: You said Steve, so you are referring to permanently leave? Unlike the limbo of repeated trials the lore does not tie into any loss of license rights. Steve, Nancy, and Demo just ceased to exist, and is not lore exclusive or added at all.

  11. Feel free to always ask me anything.
    I am always right
    I am the most attacked person online
    AND I am NEVER going anywhere. Horror belonged to me before most of you frauds were born. Muah
    Had a FULL understanding of metaphysics before I was ten.

  12. In my opinion, since Steve and Nancy and Demogorgon are still playable, theyre still in the realm. Yeah theyre rare but there are less picked characters and theyre still undoubtedly canon.

  13. I just want to quickly thank you. Today I have my final English exam (I live in Germany and I am about to finish school this year). We always have a task to write a text. And your videos always gave me a good Idea about how to write a text. So not only do you entertain me and thousands of other people,no. You also helped me with finishing school. Thanks a lot.

  14. Yeah, I don't believe bots are an in-universe concept. No more than DCing.
    And considering the ST characters are still playable, why would anyone think they aren't in the Realm anymore?

  15. I think the entity is the incarnation of people's desires and obsessions. I like to see it as a metaphor for people who spend their life trying to do vain things, to achieve unreachable goals and forget about truly existing and living their life. 👀 Somehow like the dredge being the incarnation of those negative thoughts within the weird cult, but it's a bigger and more powerful thing

  16. Dumb question I really want the answer to: When the survivors are sacrificed or slain by a killer, do they die? Or do they return to the campfire? Or do they go to the void? I've genuinely no clue and have a lot more questions depending on the answer.

  17. I think the Entity has the BOdys of teh killers and Survs in a koma in a place hidden. And what we see in thetrials are projections of the characters in different stages of their life. Thats why they come back always!

  18. Theory: the “bots” that you play against in custom matches are actually the entity, trying to replicate the patterns of the survivors. However, the entity didn’t want to/wasn’t able to replicate the survivors 100% accurately, thus making them easier to kill and predict.

  19. I don't think the entity creates life, If the auric cells are the building blocks of the realm then thecnically everything in the realm is alive, but it's just the entity.
    With the healing i wouln't say the entity heals them, but if it can keep them alive after life ending wounds, then it definitely can help their regeneration process. Like pumping resourses to their body so they can heal faster. Like a Regen potion
    And my theory for the stranger things chapter is that they never leave the realm, Steve, Nancy and demo are still playable and able to be used, that means that they are still on the realm, just maybe they wen't away from the main group of characters. We know that they are more survivors and killers that run around the realm but they aren't playable, so maybe the playable characters stay in a group or an area of the realm and the st crew just explored to far but sometimes they get back and take trials with the others

  20. One part I want to add to the stranger things theories is that the entity clearly still at least knows these characters are there due to the daily rituals saying “The Entity will reward you” and being able to get the demogorgon, Steve and Nancy challenges.

  21. 1. I don't think that the Survivors/Killers ever need to eat/go to the bathroom. They never fall sick and are immune to all diseases – the Entity ensured this, magically.

    2. I believe they do the Trials a a 9 to 5 job. Then they return to their Survivor/Killer realm and just relax and gossip/bond with friends/love LOL.

    3. I belive that from some universes (where players don't have them) Stranger Things characters have left the Entity's world.


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