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Hey all it’s PotatoNurse here I hope you’re keeping VERY well.
Turns out I was wrong and the Nurse actually got BUFFED.
These add-ons used correctly are stupidly overpowered LOL
Introduction (0:00)
7 Blink gameplay (1:14)
Nurse add-on changes (12:10)
Knight changes (16:08)
Survivor UI (16:35)
Use code Potatolegion:
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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
Zeb89 thinks the nurse got nerfed, what do you think?
This is insane…
Do u think this goes live? I say NEVER will BHVR allow this. If they do, I will play Nurse all day, so cool.
Are you kidding me…Is this what behavior call a nurf oof….
bro, they nerf buckle up
I kind of feel bad for Nurse mains if this makes it to the game as is. DCs are about to be more popular than pre-nerf Dead Hard.
I had like 5 aneurysms watching the first clip
I am so sorry DemoKira… I already am subscribed, i can't help you 🙁
Eh, it'll be nerfed for live release anyways.
This is not a nerf lol
Survivors at the start of the trial hearing 7 blinks *PTSD FLASHBACKS*
Oh I hate this lol
"that's not fair, I wanted the slowest killer in the game to not use her power at all" – survivors
Imagine having a nice 3 Gen with that add-ons
This is a load of BS 🤣🤣🤣 yea I’m gonna quit DBD when Texas chainsaw game comes out
What am i watching 😮😂
Ahh. Ok if you count the Return as Blink, then yes
Even just the rewind would be really strong, maybe give her back her charges after the fatigue, but resetting her charges AND she can use them right away is crazy
She's not toothless but she still has some bite. It doesn't look like she got buffed. Tons of killers have powerful addons.
I think you misread the matchbox walking nurse iri. It sets your maximum blinks to 1, it interferes with the torn bookmark
But hey let's nerf already weak M1 killers even more lol
Aw nah you gotta be joking
Oh this is the Iri ad on. Yeah that's fine those are ultra rare they're kinda supposed to be gross
Ty for the buff crybabys i don t want to hear another nerf nurse petition(half of community have no brain to think about possible consequences) love u all 😘
Please abuse this as much as possible in pbr so they remove this at once. Please every killer just play Nurse exclusively and abuse this garbage.
Technically it's 6 and no real reason to use them all in that way when normal survivor would be in Narnia before you would get past 3.
Community: Nerf Nurse
BHVR: OK changing addons to make her even more op
Community: Wait, that's not what we ment!
Bro WHAT this is hilarious!!!
Keep getting it wrong BHVR, 32k average players in Dec. Last time this low was April and before that not since 2020.
New players aren't staying, players who left aren't coming back.
It might be slow (and painful) but the game is dying, being kept on life support by new content.
So sick and tired of the devs breaking this game. Killers are op af and they need to be massively nerfed. But no just keep gutting the top survivor perks right. Complete morons. Trash killer players have ruined this once great game. Makes me sick
Remember when you could blink once and down a player? Time to add 6 more huh BHVR??
they always do that they over nerf killer addons then give bullshit addons in ptb so people doesnt get angry about the nerf then they will nerf these bullshit addons so in the future nurse will not have any recharge or range addons and shitty new addons
that why i left this shit game with foggy devs that always love survivors side
Did nurse get chase music?
Honestly, that clip at the start you're making it look like it's op but it's just meme'ing around. After first blink you could have hit her and this play around pallet doesn't add anything to make her stronger.
So, there's a person (or bot) I saw reply to several comments. They are spamming the same paragraph about how the devs are trash and killers are OP. Just be aware that it's spam.
Return to original position will much faster to bring back the blink token than waiting to recharge it after fatigue.
'We'VE DonE A PrETty GOod JoB SO Far'
Doesn't make any difference. I'll dc everytime against nurse
i fr thought its clickbait 💀
one thing is definitely good about this addon: she can't be fooled to blink downstairs anymore because you can just blink 2 more times downstairs and reverse upstairs and by that time they might have kept running 😅 it's definitely a good thing her blink attacks finally count as m2 though. they should also remove these new chase tentacles and instead add an icon of a running survivor where all the new solo queue icons now appear. if you get chased you obviously don't have another icon there so it's blank. they should have used this blank spot instead for another icon like a running survivor as i have said, but they chose these entity tentacles :/
Community: "Nurse is finally nerfed!!!!"
BHVR: "Well yes, but actually no"
There’s also a new effect for knight you didn’t show. If the patrol path is extra long, guards that find survivors start the hunt much quicker.
If i get hit with a seven blink combo im Uninstallinh