Springtrap In Dead By Daylight Rant

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FNAF community is hoping for Springtrap in Dead By Daylight after seeing their teasers but a little thing has broken out between the two.
#deadbylight #fnaf #cistreactz


41 thoughts on “Springtrap In Dead By Daylight Rant”


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  2. If its a totally new original killer or a different licensed character. Behaviour is the master of messing with our minds and are enjoying every second of it

  3. Yo I can picture a fnaf dlc for dead by daylight fr springtrap would be the main killer and in the map there will be jumpscares and I can go on I had a great idea on how this could work

  4. Way to be open minded,that's one thing I love about you, Cist.i followed you since you were younger and honestly your one of the things this world needs ,I'm 24 and I say your one of the greatest of your generation.

  5. well fnaf is old but it doesn't matter is it from movie or game dbd devolopers they decide what comes into the game like resident evil the game characters got into the game why not fnaf like fnaf would be good addition to the game and old fnaf fans would go and play dbd

  6. I don’t even know how pinhead would work and, honestly see Spring-trap working better in this case. Pinhead and the Cenobites aren’t hunters, they are summoned and are methodical. Hell, I can’t even remember a part in Hell Raiser where he ran or Chavez someone…let alone what he would use for a weapon.

    If he gets in the game I won’t be mad, but at the same time, I think a Child Killer who’s locked and stuffed, decaying away, in a robotic body would work so much better.

    I dunno, people can have their opinions on it, but the DBD team is really gonna have to take liberties on this one. That is of course unless I’m forgetting a time he actually did that.

  7. 100% agree a lot of DBD fans hate the idea of Springtrap in the game saying he is from a game for kids or he won't get in because of the whole deal with Scott, i even bet the devs know that a lot of people want Springtrap in the game.

  8. At the end of day both communities are extremely passionate but have loud and toxic minorities.

    I like both FNAF and BDB, for me it doesn't matter if Pinhead or Springtrap is added to the game because at the end of the day we are getting new content into DBD.

    If Pinhead/Hellraiser is added to the game then lots classic horror fans will be happy.

    If Springtrap is added then the large FNAF fanbase might take a look at the game and play it, if they're not already.

    Similar to the Fanbase of Resident Evil.

    Again i don't mind if ether of them enter this chapter or both of them get added in eventually.

    The DBD Community as a whole or the Minority shouldn't play gatekeepers and treat the game like if their favorite character hasn't been added to Smash Bros.

    Plus are really going to pretend that DBD is %100 horror because it's not, Cats and Dogs Collection, Some Of The Clown Cosmetics, Robbie the Rabbit cosmetics for The Legion, The Anniversary Event as a whole, Michael Myer in a hospital gown, All of the memes of how PyramidHead's Butt got nerfed.

    Is adding a FNAF character into the game really going kill the game… no.

    Will adding an old horror movie icon like Pinhead into the game going to kill the game… no.

    Also let's be real… most people that would say no to a Fnaf character into being added into the game because it wouldn't be scary or unrealistic, will also turn around and say that a Chucky The Killer Doll Chapter is completely fine.

  9. As a dude who recently got into DBD after being a long time fan of FNAF and left the fandom, I really don't care who gets in, Springtrap or Pinhead. It'd be nice to see Springtrap in because like I said I was in the FNAF fandom for years and it still holds a special place in my heart even though I don't like it as much as I used to. And Pinhead coming to the game would be great because then we'd have another legendary horror icon in the game among Myers, Krueger, Bubba and Ghostface. I just want the new killer to be fun to play against and don't cause any issues. Trickster and Nemesis, the last 2 killers added have caused a lot of issues and are still pretty broken. Like Trickster has been getting way too many buffs and just isn't fun to go against and Nemesis, as cool as he is to have in game, he has caused a lot of issues. So I don't really get why people are worrying about who get in, when people should be worrying about how they're gonna effect the game.

  10. It’s clearly pinhead/hell raiser springtrap wouldn’t fit into dbd I’m sorry, what would the survivor be? What would the map be? A pizza place? That map would be shitty. I like springtrap. But I don’t think it’ll be him my opinion though.


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