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You played in a way so you could win vs us! Waaaaa! Prit much sums it up.
#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #toxic #karma #bullyfail #bully #huntress
I’m live right now! get on over here –
Ayyyy this is the first time I've ever been first! 😀
Watch your YouTube vids and stream at the same time
I love how he brings joy and laughter to all of us
Dude the start of this video really shows the reason a lot of people find you not only rude but irritating too. Such a shame you let that petty shit get to you ☹️
The person may not be native to English, may have ASD, ADD or even a learning disability. Not every one is out to get you, just my two cents on what every one watching is probably thinking.
Tunneling and camping was never the problem, the problem is 3 other survivors trying to save when they should be doing gens
Doesn’t mean he’s toxic for saying a fact is it 🙄
The Survivor wasn't even dead and they DC'd. Sometimes, the first person you hooked is just right there and ignoring them makes no sense. I've hooked the same person again as my 2nd hook plenty of times, just because they ended up right in front of me. Survivors that shriek about tunneling don't know what true tunneling is.
Tunnel and camp like always
You were too good and that makes you bad
They had anti tunneling build. Just couldn't stay up.
If you like Aura hatchets, then you might change your mind about the Lethal pursuer buff being useless. Lethal gives aura addons 2 extra seconds too! It's insane and I'm mixed on how I feel about it. :/
Really surprising that the one who's complaining were not the player that dc'd and very weird for that guy to just trying to look for true's information just to say "teehee, streamer bad, oopsie" at the end of the day, he's still a player and he will play like any another killer's play style, which is doing everything on what they can to win the game, just like survivors do, this game is getting more and more "fun and enjoying for us" demand, some streamers and hardcore players alike.
they call you tunneler like it’s a bad thing lol
Idk man tru3 you become more and more toxic and immature with this game big content creators in the dbd community don’t engage with this type of behavior as much as you do, look at Downey he lost his fog whisper but he’s just the same as before maybe even better i keep seeing this trend of negativity coming from you and it’s sad how horrible the game has made you if you complain about a game 24/7 wouldn’t be in your best interest to take a break?
The words of the dead fall on deaf ears.
They censor mouse to the point even mistyping it as muse get's it censored too… Are players really that sensitive?
Oh right, yes, they are. This is DBD…
0:30 I laughing so hard from this! 😀
When I play survivor and I get tunneled yeah sure I'll get upset but that just means next game I have to make sure I don't go down quick ( cuz most killers, looking at you legion, tend to tunnel the first person they've hooked). Point is if you notice you are getting tunneled and the killer is actively looking for you, hide for a bit, yeah it sucks, but hey you waste the killers time. And if it's that you get hooked more than the others and it feels like your being tunneled (another words they leave you for someone else but then come back to you later even though no one else has been hooked) it's the possibility that you're the weak link and suck at escaping chases or looping the killer. As killer I always tunnel when I'm at 3 gens left and I'm always going for the ones who've been hooked most and if they've been hooked equally (it's rare) I go for the weak link to get the kill, Camping also helps cause most survivors are too altruistic and you can trade.
First Nea ran towards killer off hook. Didn't expect tru3 to take 60 seconds injuring two other survivors, so her DS ran out and she rage quit.
Second Nea did the same, ran towards killer off hook, and hopped in a locker.
That's not the killer wanting to tunnel. That's survivors wanting to be tunneled, so they can use their DS offensively.
It always blows my mind when people complain about tunneling. So you got the first 2 kills basically by tunneling. Not really any debate about that… AND THEY STILL GOT LIKE 4.75 GENS DONE.
I mean… it's ludicrous to play any other way. Then i see the devs are doing something about it by making gen time longer… BUT ALSO NERFING SOME OF THE BEST GEN SPEED KILLER PERKS.
Silly silly devs, who still haven't done anything real about the cheaters. Easy anti-cheat is universally known as a bad anti-cheat SW.
Can we start giving back that toxic energy and harassing these people bc it seems nothing else gets thru to their way of thinking. Without consequences they will just have a yes man circle and never question their behavior.
Gets downed, door opens, mate leaves, gets hooked and hatch kicked in his face. Feels good man😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
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How dare you making Kills?
Even though they DC'd, gens were still flying
"With did u bring bt in a bottle?" "Why did u bring a med-kit" as u americans would say, gate keeping much for thing's the game provides you with…
Blood Hunt stream when? 🙂
Ok but when don’t they