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If you can’t handle the heat don’t clicky the flash light
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Not sure why she dc'ed, she got your attention, isn't that why she was clicking at you? Clicky's do tend to dc if things go south for them though.
Imagine being so godawful at the game yet so cocky, like why
Useless survive
Watching this while I wait for my brother to hand me my towel because I forgot it after I took my shower 😩😩 (is sad)
Am I the only person who, when playing killer, tries to avoid flashlight blinds when I break a pallet by physically closing his eyes in real life?
It never works, for reference.
When I see bad players play like this, I imagine they watched like a jrm or ayrun video and think they can imitate it 😆😄
That one dislike is the Yui who DCed.
clicky now DC later
yea the "bloodweb" on mobile is better than pc,atleast smth is good about it, cause crotus prenn in not on and playing on autoheaven is laggy asf
Edit:as killer, if u play as surv the game is pretty ok
I woke up faster than someone’s mom can orgasm to a boyfriend
I'm gonna guess she usually plays in a sweaty 4 man and thought her bullshit would fly in a solo match too. Hopefully its ego was dented enough to pipe down next time.
The one dislike is from the Yui that Dcd
if you wanna click at least be good at the game lmao
Best thumbnail ever
She definitely deserves that not even i do that i atleast give my beamer to the killer also i seen you are on console 😓you are cracked my guy
Ok but why the game didn't let you pick her up that one time when they tried to flashlight save?
By letting you stalk her,She just killed her team I hate to see such teammates in my game
Lmao she was so confident and messed up so badly
When u clicky but u sucks in this game
This is a real console player moment