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This Artist build is nasty when it comes to blocking off survivors ability to do generators!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Artist Gameplay!
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#dbd #Artist #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #BHVR #intothefog
I would love to see this build with bbq and chili and corrupt intervention replacing discordance and grim embrace
Hey that cute killer is back 😁😎
id replace grim embrace with something else. it really does kinda suck.
Imagine how broken artist would be if make your choice worked on the birds 😂
Red I have an idea for a gen slowdown build
Killer: Artist
Add ons: Silver Bell and O Grief O Lover
Perks: Pain Resonance, Overcharge, Pop Goes The Weasel, and Oppression
Could you do gen blocked for blight
Request: End game Dredge
Perks: Hex no one escapes death, No Way Out, Blood Warden, Remember me
Add-Ons: Field Recorder and Boat Key
Offering: Your Choice
Thought she was flippin the bird in the thumbnail
Grim embrace should be atleast 50 seconds
Build request: Slug Doctor
Perk: Sloppy Butcher, Thanatophobia, Clourophobia, Distressing for indoor map or knockout for large maps
Add-on: double blast range
This is an anti-heal focused slug build, with the sloppy buff it works even better. The 32+6+8+8=54m terror radius allows you the blast most survivors every time it finishes its cool-down. Survivor who are within the terror radius will suffer also from a 40 second healing time. With also the build-in madness level 3, survivors will soon not be able to heal nor pick-up their teammates.
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Shoulda swapped discordance for Deadlock
Demogorgon:A blind Man's suffering
HEX:Third seal
HEX:Play thing
HEX:Devour hope
Addons:Red Moss and Leprose Lichen
This would be better if play in an indoor map
honestly i enjoy games with artists more than i do with normal m1 killers it just gets way too frustrating dealing with swfs and 4 good loopers in 1 team so it feels good to be more dominant with killers like her
Wait red said that he finds it boring to play against the artist??
Red play as survivor sometime?? That's new to me
Do more artist plz
The problem with grim embrace is that it rewards something that you shouldnt be looking to do (hook each survivor). that means if your losing, it will often never happen and if it does happen, its often in games your already winning.
Build Request: “Mindgamer Spirit”
Killer: Spirit
Perks: Pop, Barbeque n chilli, SH: pain res, and ruin.
Add ons: Furin, and Yakuyoke Amulet
I used to play Wraith, quit playing for months, came back, and now I suck. Did wraith get buffed or am I super rusty? Should I play another killer?
I have an idea for the hunter called The Stocker He chases you around with a polaroid camera and if he takes a picture of you he then Becomes whoever your character is making it easier to catch your team mates
Build Request
1)Pain Resonance
2)Make Your Choice
3)Floods Rage
4)Hex:Devour Hope
build request : "instadown wallhack nurse"
killer :nurse
perk: haunted grounds, retribution, undying,bbq
add on : any
Build Request | Hooking build | Killer: Clown | Add ons: Solvent jug and Cheap gun bottle | Perks: Dead man's switch, Pain respondense, pop goes the weasel, Barbaque and chilli | Offering: yellow oak.