Week Two | Swish's DbD Tournament 2 | Competitive Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Hope you guys enjoy the tournament. I’ve actually been REALLY enjoying casting competitive DbD and I hope you guys are enjoying watching it as well.

As always, feel free to give me any feedback on things you’d like to see different, especially in regards to providing more information. We have way more this time around, but i’m always open to hear what you guys would like to see.

For more info on the tournaments rules + teams, check out this doc. Perks/items listed are bans when that killer is played. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_vqE5Dyy9qB9PLq1HX5jYARBGoo_A8AFNUiWdArr4ns/edit

0:00 – Intro
5:42 – Eternity vs Aberration Game 1 (Aberration Killer)
15:00 – Downtime
22:48 – Eternity vs Aberration Game 2 (Eternity Killer)
34:42 – Downtime
44:37 – Eternity vs Aberration Game 3 (Aberration Killer)
53:30 – Downtime
1:00:52 – Eternity vs Aberration Game 1 (Eternity Killer)
1:13:20 – Downtime
1:22:34 – Eternal vs Awoken Game 1 (Awoken Killer)
1:29:55 – Downtime
1:38:45 – Eternal vs Awoken Game 2 (Eternal Killer)
1:52:28 – Downtime
2:00:32 – ZK vs Divine Game 1 (Divine Killer)
2:16:52 – Downtime
2:32:01 – ZK vs Divine Game 2 (ZK Killer)
2:44:35 – Downtime
2:56:49 – ZK vs Divine Game 3 (Divine Killer)
3:12:25 – Downtime
3:19:40 – ZK vs Divine Game 4 (ZK Killer)
3:29:25 – Downtime
3:42:35 – Divine vs Atrocity Game 1 (Atrocity Killer)
3:49:20 – Downtime
4:03:00 – Divine vs Atrocity Game 2 (Divine Killer)
4:09:40 – Downtime
4:22:46 – Odyssey vs Frontier Game 1 (Frontier Killer)
4:31:15 – Downtime
4:38:19 – Odyssey vs Frontier Game 2 (Odyssey Killer)
4:47:25 – Final Downtime

Check out Ralph and Justyn, my 2 awesome co-casters here

I stream Dead by Daylight 6 nights a week over at Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/ohtofu​​​

Also hit up my socials here:
Twitter – https://twitter.com/OhTofuOfficial​​​
Discord – https://discord.gg/ohtofu


46 thoughts on “Week Two | Swish's DbD Tournament 2 | Competitive Dead by Daylight”

  1. DBD is heavily survivor sided please don't forget that gents. Just because content creators do absurd streaks against bad survivors who aren't playing optimally doesnt mean the game is balanced. In a comp setting it is, but in public match where the ruleset modifications aren't in place the survivors dominate the game.

  2. These rules are dumb and weird it doesnt matter how good you are the killer hooks you and you get camped 7 points if someone tries to save and also gets camped 14 points that is almost a win it should be dependent on how well you played not hooks and deaths cause if you happen to slug everyone at end game with no prior hooks is that really a win for the killer when it says entity displeased

  3. Some of the most fun DBD content I've watched in a long time, loving this glimpse into the competitive side of the game. Casters are also doin a great job being interesting AND informative. Swish's DbD tournament 3 when?

  4. The first game (Aberration killer) and the second to last (Frontier killer) had the same result, but the scoring was different, was that a mistake? The survivors in the first game should've had 15 instead of 16 points

  5. I’ve got an idea for a unique rule set for a future tournament, have the same pools of killers and limit what teams can choose in each pool some how. but what I’m really interested in is each team chooses two killers, only one from one pool. And with the two killers on each side a RNG picker chooses one of the killers and both teams have to play the killer for their match .If the teams choose one or both of the same killers then it’s only the three or two killers that the RNG picker chooses from. I think this could be interesting because teams could choose two of their strongest killers or decide to choose a killer they know the other team isn’t good at and hope it lands on said killer.

  6. i thought a randomizer tourney could be cool, it chooses 4 random survs, a random killer, random addons and perks, and both teams play the same RNG, so while there is heavy RNG both teams get an equal chance

  7. hey tofu im a huge fan and I think I just played against u in coldwind? I was the blight and you were all yuis, idk if that was u but if it was it was a really good game and I’m happy to play against u:)

  8. Gotta be honest, thre twins games are boring.

    Not because the players aren't good because they definitely are, or the killer isn't going in, it's boring af because of the map.

    To me personally watching a killer camp a 3 gen, and refuse to commit for 15 minutes because they know they have a 3 gen just leads to a war of attrition where neither side gains ground forever.

    Hopefully for swish 3 that abolish that boring ass map. The games are fun as hell to watch but that map is fucking BORING

  9. I've never had a huge interest in comp DBD, but I really like your content and decided to check it out. Really changed my mind. I think the competitive DBD scene is actually quite interesting and I find myself looking forward to seeing more of your tournament videos. Thanks for making me a believer.

  10. What's really funny about this tournament is the fact that Twins is a Tier-1 pick meanwhile, since the Q&A, reddit is crying about how bad they are and the devs should buff them and what not xD

  11. Does anyone know how I can get in contact with ohtofu?? It's highly important that I speak with him… or if anyone knows him would you please ask him to contact me??? It's an urgent matter that involves him..


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