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We’re trying out the new Fuming Mix Tape add-on for the updated Legion! It auto-regresses gens that aren’t being worked on! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog
It's always nice to see a fellow Legion main.
I enjoyed the Legion gameplay. Keep up the good work Tatariu.
Can't wait for the update to release on all other platforms.
no more pallet breaking with fuming? sadge but understandable…
did they change fatigue collision? it looks like your collision came in instantly when you ended your power at 8:50
edit: wrong time stamp
gm tat :p
i think that pink addon is bug so the gens only regress when you get a survivor off it.
Either Fuming is bugged or the description is worded weirdly. It only works if they let go of the generator while Frenzy is active, then it auto regresses.
Why does he run Enduring every game. It is such a bad perk and I don't see how he gets enough value to run it every game
Does anyone know when this stuff goes live?
Suzie's mixtape, the one that regresses generators, seems to only start regressing when a survivor gets off a generator rather than just always. Not sure if this is intentional but it does focus and reward pushing survivors off gens.
For easter everyone run robbie the rabbit
Julie’s Mix Tape value??!?!? REAL?!!??!,?!,!
Try out sleeping pills 😳
I feel like the 5% after every hit is inaccurate sometimes. Ill be 15% faster and i feel like i dont catch up sometimes
Is this game from the past few days, or are people still playing on the PTB?
No, it doesn't.
Hitting all 4 of them is hard enough already especially with that hook exploit being out of the picture.
Find me using Frank and Joey’s mix tape just for the music, even tho they don’t go well together as addons.
This man right here bout to make me get the silent hill costumes for legion
something im sad about is that old franks mixtape is gone, i had an idea where they could merge stab wound study and old franks into one addon, allowing more combos, like stab wounds and recharge addons. i know franks wouldnt be as good with the new insta down, but the changes to the base kit woulda made franks pretty good, specifacally the fatigue changes, and the recharge starting instantly.
Trash kiddi diss like 😊
When will this be live?