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In this video I provide you with some Plague gameplay using the Buffed Trail Of Torment. This perk gives Plague some insane stealth and can be very lethal when she has her red puke. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:
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You excited for the Xenomorph? 😏🤘
You could possibly switch out Tinkerer or Pop with Hex: Third Seal so that once you've hit the survivors, they can't see the generator you kicked for Trail of Torment turn yellow because of blindness.
Plague is so underrated!! Never see enough of her . I’ve been getting surv, that basically die first hook as soon as they know it’s vom mom 😭💀
Your on pc but you use a playstation controller? Wouldn't plague be easier to aim her vile purge with a mouse?
Ayyy one of the early comments BTW I just recently started watching you and I love the content!
Does Hysteria work to hide the aura of the yellow gen from Trail of Torment??? If so, thats a pretty strong vommy mommy
I just bought plague, excited to get good with her, shes really fun to use
It's been long enough. She needs her own chase music
Whole rest of his team dies
Gabriel: "gg ez"
Gamer said “ gg ez” his whole team got wrecked and hid so he can use his key! 😂
Im p100 with nemesis but i might p100 plague soon because i played her for a few days already and it's so fun playing as plague . Ps: shes strong and underrated 😮
Ngl , u make it look ez to play Plague. I tried to play her but got so owned and sadly bullied. I laughed but damn you have to be good with good strat to win as her. Non the less always great plays. Love the stealth build. Lol
I wonder if third seal and trail of torment work together? Could give it a try
Plague is one of the few killers I haven’t been able to play properly. She’s super cool looking but I suck ass playing her
Nice vid. Just started playing plague recently. she's very fun, I love to throw ropes of vomit at people. One thing though, I can't get a good score with her. Even if hook everyone and win I still get a poor result. Like wtf?