Jeff Johansen is SECRETLY The Clown! (Dead by Daylight Theory)

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Hey everyone, and welcome back to do I belong in Crotus Prenn? In today’s video we’re exploring a theory in which I pose that Jeffrey Johansen is secretly the Clown! Almost like an alter-ego, super villain scenario. Let’s get started.

The Resident Evil x Dead by Daylight chapter is out and the new killer is Nemesis and survivors, Leon S. Kennedy and Jill Valentine. The Racoon City Police Department is the new map!

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
Night Run Away – An Jone
Clean and Dance – An Jone
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake

Hope you enjoy!
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Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there):

Some of the images used, such as: perks, items, addons, cosmetics were taken from the DbD, Heroes and Villains Wiki and are used here under Fair Use.

Intro 0:00
Initial connections 0:13
Perk connections 0:59
Jeff’s scar 2:18
More similarities 2:43
Cosmetic connections 2:58
Final lore connections 3:38
Does this all work? 4:05
A new theory 5:00
Outro 10:35


42 thoughts on “Jeff Johansen is SECRETLY The Clown! (Dead by Daylight Theory)”

  1. uuhhmm. generally i'd think that it kinda makes sense, but on this one imma have to go with one big "X to Doubt"

    i mean, if the entity was so powerful that it grew jeff's finger back on, why didn't grow ash's hand back? do concerts really use motor oil? the clown was in a circus and constantly moved around, how and why would he buy a home? how would the clown hide the fingers of his wife and son, supposedly that redhead and jeff, from the police if they were both murdered? the cops would have to search his cabin, given that he is the closest person to them, and they would eventually find the cigar box with the fingers.

  2. In clown lore it say's something like ,,One day a victim escaped". Clown was possibly a Ekh Ekh Rapist and i think it may have connection. Maybe he raped a woman, she escaped, and after giving birth to Jeff just couldn't handle it so she started drinking.

  3. I can totally see the Entity giving Jeff his finger back. The Entity has resurrected people just so they can be in the Trials (Bill, Tapp, Victor from the Twins), giving a survivor a lost finger probably would be nothing to the Entity.

    I don’t really believe the theory, but that part at least makes sense to me.

  4. I love this theory! Tho one thing makes me laugh… Jeff got his finger restored, Tapp got his throat restored, Bill got basically brought back to life…. But ash doesn't get his hand back! (Unless you count his store outfit as him having his hand back)

  5. Probably not, Jeff strikes me as an animal lover given his dog while Clown killed animals before moving onto bigger prey.
    Jeff and Legion are from the 90's ( Ormond map offering dates picture of Legion together as 1996 ) while the Clown was born in 1932.

  6. Hey why are there blight stuff on the rpd map? Other maps don't have that so why the rpd of all places? It's even weirder for me because it's like a dlc map. Like an re universe like map from the re universe. Not an original map from the dbd universe.

  7. Are some of the killers being boosted in height when they are turned into killers? I know it's a gameplay thing to make them more visible to survivors but lore wise, I can't find answers as to why some of them become taller. I don't find it likely that a lot of them are naturally like 7 feet tall. Think about the poor/average genetics and bad nutrition they have from their environment.

  8. I have an idea. We know that there are different realities in Dead by Daylight, right? So analyzing the many differences and similarities, we could consider Jeff and the Clown to be the same person but from different realities.


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