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playing SURVIVOR on dead by daylight

#dbd #deadbydaylight #survivor #mmr #tru3 #tru3ta1ent


22 thoughts on “MMR IS GONE! AND ITS FANTASTIC! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Literally the devs just need to put ranked and causal into the game already. It literally avoids everything wrong about MMR. Its so easy but I swear these devs built different

  2. Language: portuguese Brazil

    Esse mmr ferrou completamente o jogo, ele não tem um sistema de pareamento bom e equilibrado sempre será 2 vitórias e 9 derrotas até o ciclo se repetir. O jogo deveria ser pareado pelo "elo" e não por um número fantasma que ninguém sabe como realmente funciona.. parei de jogar DBD a um tempo depois de frustrações com esse sistema merda o qual coloca jogadores ruins contra killers excepcionais devido eles terem ganho 2 partidas contra killers horríveis.. ou sobreviventes de campeonato contra uma Sadako LV15 aprendendo a jogar.

    Tomara que MMR saia definitivamente do jogo

  3. If I have tbh, I need to say that half of your mods sucks and that's all your fault. They act like a protective mother that spoil their kids. It's fucking awful to have a strong opinion in your chat. If you try to state a fact against someone's dumb opinion in the chat your mods come to you saying that you're been rude and "let's keep the love in the chat, ok?" or some idiocy like that. That's why I reserve myself to only watch YT now.
    The funny thing is that you hate this kind of stuff, others trying to cease opinions, right?

  4. i thought it was already gone, when i started playing DBD first time as killer i would have no perks or add ons and get matched with full purple survivors for a a couple game

  5. whatever they changed with the MMR today made my killer games a living hell. I guess this game was from the day before? Today I had bully swfs one after the other (their names matched so I knew it was a swf) that clicked all game and used coldwind or gideon meat plant offerings.

  6. If you're always being challenged to the max degree, every imbalance and flaw of design becomes exacerbated, the perk diversity plummets even more to a handful of broken ones and people then play like scumbags prioritizing winning above all.

    This game is just not meant for an MMR system.


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