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MINDGAMED YA! Dead by Daylight
I’m live right now! get on over here –
#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight
This game brings out all the competitive sides of people. It’s still fun tho
Love when you play with Cenobite!
NC game 🎮🎮🎮
Why does tru3 now "Tunnel" survivors? Back in the day he was like the last person to do it. I just started watching him again after awhile that's all
No mercy i like that
Love tru3 but god i don't like this tunneling gameplay. However i know all to well why he does it. Ive been in many games where i could have had someone out at 4 or 5 gens but i decided to play nice and next thing you know theres 1 gen left and the games unwinnable. Result is survivors tea bagging when you could have easily 4ked them earlier in the game.
I do not understand how and why the devs can't figure out how to fix or balance the speed of the games when survivors plow the generators which is the main cause of camping and tunneling and always will be.
10:26 bruh…
A gel dressing on a brown medkit is just as strong as it is on a purple one at this point. If each one adds one use for self heal that's all they intend to use it for
hello, true! keep on doing these clips man, i love em! been watching you for more than 2 years pretty much everyday during my meals. love the fact that you post more than 1 vid per day. keep up the good work man!