The Alien's Tail Is FIXED! | Dead by Daylight

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#DBD #dbdkiller
0:00 – Intro
0:12 – Ironworks of Misery!


24 thoughts on “The Alien's Tail Is FIXED! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I was waiting for this video🔥🔥🔥, Finally they fixed the tail and it feels more smooth compared to release i think they also removed the delay from hitting survivors sucsessfully you can see the cd animation start way faster now

  2. 1:13 Jesus no wonder I've been seeing so many offerings for that damn map seeing that set up.

    I also get what you mean about the tail, if feels like an actual lash from a whip, the "poke" is instant instead of feeling like you stab them and then pull it out.

  3. What you mean when punching instead of ripping through is that the tail is a lot faster. It doesn't linger like it used to. It just quickly stabs them unlike before, where it just went through them.

  4. Here is the best way I can explain it. They seem to have made the recovery between hitting and recovering much quicker than before, so now the tail attack feels more like a mantis strike than a spear thrust.

  5. So, after the PTB they essentially fixed its hit delay bug, but in exchange we got

    -Xeno's tail hit animation now looks as if it were not piercing, but just slapping the survivor

    -Xeno is now half-deaf in its tunnels and barely hears any generators (unless you try and actively listen, ofc)

    -Xeno doesn't get a noise notification from entering the Runner Mode while in tunnels now


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