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11 thoughts on “A CHAT ABOUT SUBJECTIVE EXPERIANCES ON DBD Dead by Daylight”

  1. Well i've stayed for like 3 years and bought all the killers now what did i get? Nothing except Nerfs so why would i play a game where Killer is literally Nothing and whatever you do you get insulted

  2. I was one of the majority that voted and said IDC about a swf.
    But what what I actually mean is, I know that 8 out of 10 times I'm facing a swf.
    I just don't dodge them even though good swfs are boring to face cuz there are SO MANY SWF LOBBIES.
    So what I'm basically saying is, there's nothing I can do. If I dodge those games it just increases my que times 100 fold.

    I genuinely WISH SO BADLY swf wasn't a thing, but they'll never remove it, so I figure I'll just have to play vs it.

  3. For me as a killer main with 1k hrs Iv quit playing for 3-4 months and went to survior because I couldn’t stand def , Iv started recording my videos cause I thought I was going crazy if all the swf Iv had i consistently get swf around 70% of the time and there from Russia , Spain or England on my surviors which is weird given my region

    I hate swf by technical definition it’s cheating.and it’s the most unhealthy thing for the game imo

    Definition of cheating : unfair advantage

    They also by swf and talking on comms r using a exploit

    Definition of exploit : make full use a device benefit.

    For the vast majority of games sef is cheating there’s only about a 2-4 chance where people who don’t talk on comms aren’t.

    Of course level matters

    But if compactor low swf – high swf consistently to a low skill killer to medium and high survivors r still the ones benefiting at base without even adding perks.

    It’s ridiculous don’t see and accept there cheating

    How is it fair that your telling me spot , my add ons / perks , how i play such as if I respect or not , giving themselves feee perks thst they wouldn’t need in a solo q . As well have better team synergy then what it would be naturaly even having a 2 or 3 man your making the game harder then it would be and increasing your chances at winning.

    Definition of competition : an event or contest in which people compete

    So another example of it being cheating^. I don’t mind going against swf every now and then but over all I just want a fair opportunity where people aren’t getting benefits unfairly

    As well as it corrupts the data for survivors and we now r pushing towards swf as solo w level which will destroy the game swf is stressful to go against it in every game will def destroy the game . No matter how hard we try u are not gonna be able to balance it where it feels = on both sides

  4. Honestly the fact that SWF wasn't in the game at launch tells me that they knew it was a can of worms but they opened it anyway. And instead of working to find a way to balance it they just sloppily added it on a whim.

    That seems to be a common theme with BHVR, who are they even listening to when they refer to "feedback?" 9/10 times no one is asking for these changes. Like the scream changes where they made the visual pop-up range dependent and the scream itself 3d as a remedy. Who the fuck was complaining about the scream notifications? I find it ironic because they're talking about adding the visual heartbeat from mobile to "help hard of hearing players," but is taking away the global scream indicator not hurting those same players? How am I supposed to interpret this as anything other than survivor bias? It's baffling.

  5. You make a lot of really good points in this video. You should illustrate them/devote a 20-30 minute video laying it all out so the average player who watches you doesn't have to sift through your different vods. Plus you can use MS paint or something like you have before to better convey your ideas


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