A Guide on Making Solo Queue Bearable – Dead by Daylight

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A simple guide to solo queue in DBD. Also take a shot whenever I call Thalita Elodie.


35 thoughts on “A Guide on Making Solo Queue Bearable – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Its not really having nobody to play with, some ppl like me have plenty to invite but for ALOT of complicated reasons i wanna sometimes play alone and i do find more fun in solo q than with my swf, sadly solo sucks so bad that i fall back to my friends that i don't wanna play with just to make survivor playable

  2. 9:52 Scott be like: The killer is coming, go this way quick!
    And the survivor is like: Nah i'll just go this way instead.
    30secs later, she goes down.

    Definitly a soloQ moment if I ever seen one.

  3. A majority of what you said in this video is common sense, which sadly is lacking in a lot of the playerbase. Get some situational awareness and playing solo will be fine. BHVR will literally make survivors immune for 10 full minutes and someone will still end up dying or snowballing for others.

  4. Context clues are super important for solo queue. I also wish teammates wouldn’t kick me off gens so much. It’s really annoying having to go find a new generator that’s spread out because Meg wanted to help out, when they could have found a different generator instead.

    Also that’s Thalita, not Elodie.

  5. Alot of times you have to send more than 1 survivor for a save, depending on how the killer is playing. As one person needs to distract the killer so that the other survivor can rescue them. Seen alot of matches where survivors only go one by one and put themselves in a much worse situation than just rescuing as a team would have been.

  6. I play solo queue because I like not knowing what’s going on. The pure randomness of not knowing what my teammates do. I also go with the mindset that I’m most likely not going to escape and I’m ok with that. Also I play with my tome challenges as my priority even if it means I throw the game just for the challenge.

  7. @4:14. I respectfully disagree. I won’t go so far as to say healing is always a waste of time. In this case, a gen is being progressed, so it’s OK. However a chase is in progress, and I believe healing is less efficient than working on gens. Even in this case, if you two work on a gen, the injured person can stay and keep working while you get the unhook. Again, as long as a gen is progressing, it’s OK, but I think the biggest mistake Survivors make is healing at an inefficient time or healing when no gens are progressing. This is a big debate that I’d like to see discussed, but I think healing should only happen in a few situations. 1). No chase in progress, which means killers are really not making any progress. 2). The unhooked Survivor is on death hook. 3). At least one gen is being worked on, but even then I wouldn’t personally recommend it. I’d love discussion on this.

  8. I've been playing a lot of solo queue lately. Getting back in the game after a huge (well deserved) hiatus. I'm really bad at being chased currently but focusing on getting better. Dying is expected. So my expectations are low so I get less tilted. Slugging still tilts me but being tunneled doesn't at least. 🙂


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