A LEGION COINCIDENCE SO PERFECT… | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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A coincidence between myself and the release date of the Legion so perfect, we share the same birthday. What are the odds. Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog


11 thoughts on “A LEGION COINCIDENCE SO PERFECT… | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. Don't let sussy Tat and his Darkness Amogus birthday distract you from the fact that Legion's effective power takes 20 seconds to recharge… while at most, Spirit's takes 15

  2. The problem with the “boons waste time” argument is:

    -The return Survivors get from boons is about a gajillion times greater than the time investment of blessing a totem unless they’re stupid enough to do it right in the Killer’s face, so more often than not the Killer would have more pressure if Survivors didn’t boon totems and humped gens instead.
    -Booning a totem in no way stops Survivors from genrushing. It takes way too little time.
    -The pressure imbalance compared to the time sink effectively means that snuffing boons is an extra objective for Killer more than making them is an extra objective for Survivors, especially when you consider the fact that the popularity of Ruin (and now Ruin Undying) throughout the years means that Survivors were, you know, going for bones already.

    Boons are way, WAY too strong to justify infinite resuability. Specifically, Circle of Healing is way too strong to justify that. I couldn’t care less about Shadow Step or Exponential. Circle of Healing takes the fundamental problem of “giving Killers a new objective to hunt” and compounds it with an effect so hilariously overpowered that it completely erases the majority of Killers’ 1v4 potential. Combined with the infinite reusability, CoH just puts the Killer in a lose-lose: You either sacrifice your 1v4 pressure by letting Survivors use the boon, or you sacrifice your 1v4 pressure by going out of your way to snuff it… and then they use it 15 seconds later anyways.


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