A Message to Tru3ta1ent About Nerfing SWF – Dead by Daylight

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Please keep things civil, thanks.



28 thoughts on “A Message to Tru3ta1ent About Nerfing SWF – Dead by Daylight”

  1. this man is embarrassing running 4 gen regression perks, very much a bad influence to the community. His gob is always open because he got bullied by survivors

  2. I would like to point out a contradiction in your statements.

    On one hand, you say that SWF has no/little impact and/or doesn't matter when it comes to losing a game, other factors matter.

    On the other hand you say it would be very helpful if you had information before the match to know who is in the SWF group to better prepare yourself, which implies it matters and has an important effect on the match, so much so that you need to know if survivors are in a group.

    Can you reconcile this contradiction, for clarity?

  3. Guys, are we seriously acting like there’s gonna be actual drama in the DbD community? All Scott is asking for is some civil discussion… which is obviously stupid. What we REALLY need is Otzdarva staring down Tru3, the ring and cage both slick with sweat and blood. Otz is covered in welts and bruises, taken off-guard by the fact that he wasn’t allowed to bring bear traps into a professional match. Meanwhile, Tru3’s tank top is torn, mumbled words like “viable” and “optimal” leaving his torn lips. But… who is that, from down south, with a steel chair?! It’s Zubatlel, running directly into the cage due to his naturally poor eyesight. The steel chair clatters from his hands, only for OhTofu to roar “Wow, he’s a [insert perk here] gamer!” as he shears the cage open. The stench of sweat fills his chest, as he lifts the steel chair from Zubat’s limp hands. “Unlucky,” he murmurs, barely conscious. The match continues, steel chair placing a dent in Otz’s head—and vice versa. Scott makes a sudden appearance, dropping from above like a phantom of an opera, taking out Tru3. Zubat rejoins the fight, and the clash continues with bloodlusted fervor.

  4. I'd love for bhvr to actually test some of this stuff. Show exactly who is in a swf for a week and see if it has a significant impact on queue times and kill/escape rates. Give swfs a debuff and see the same. Actually test it temporarily.

    I've also never heard their reasoning for not at least letting you know after a match. A BP bonus for going against swfs as well is a thing that doesn't effect the game at all but would help sooth the wounds at least.

    As someone that loves watching both Scott and Tru I'm in a weird spot here. Like watching mummy and daddy fighting, even though they both then say everything is fine and they weren't fighting lol.

  5. I agree with the bulk of your thoughts, however I disagree with 'the SWF didn't change anything'. Before the match even started they stacked the deck by grouping together with no weak links, as you said there were none that match. Just the act of stacking the deck in itself throws the entire idea of balance outta whack. Coms in match as well is neigh unbalancable, though admittedly here it didn't matter as he just chased the whole time.

    My suggestion is to either have a Solo Que Only option, or clearly highlight how many are in a SWF and multiple the bloodpoints and shards of the killer at the end of the match. If they're gonna have to deal with multiplied amounts of stress and difficulty, make it worth the effort or at least soften the blow. If the SWF is just for funzies, no harm no foul. If it's a premade intending on pulling all the stops to win, at least the killer gets compensated for dealing with that, likely, quick match where he didn't get many points anyway. And if he does come out on top, cheers for him. He won't rage instantly when he sees them in queue, he'll look forward to a potential jackpot at the end of the match.

  6. Thank god someone finally said it, honestly. I used to watch him but every stream all he did was complain and I couldn’t handle it anymore and stopped.

  7. 100% agree with everything said in this video, in all honesty, that SWF wasn't even that impressive, and like you said they weren't even a SWF. Sadly tru3 is just a mediocre player with an ego to think he's one of the BEST players just because of the number of hours he has. Incredibly annoying that people like this have such a large influence on the dbd community, very bad for the game itself.

  8. I agree, Tru3 how too much influence over the games community to make shortsighted comments like that and offer those kind of game changes. I also don’t like a lot of his opinions due to them not making the game better for everyone, just for him in a few instances.

  9. This is why I stopped watching true a long time ago. As soon as a survivor dead hards to a pallet he calls them optimal and extends it to the rest of the survivors. Pretty much any time he runs into any trouble he cries about swf. 😴

  10. The fact you can tell survivors that you have unbreakable or DS ..etc creates a massive gap between solo vs swf. This video is a critique of tru3 not swf vs solo q disparity. Playing with SWF against a stealthy killer ? SWF is a free perk of spine chill without using it. There should be a cost for SWF for getting a built in kindred + spinechill + dark sense + knowledge of how gens are across the map. A 10% nerf is reasonable, a 40 second of chase would be equated to an extra hook?

  11. Swf is a problem because they all know where to go and which gens to do if everyone was solo they would have no clue what was going on the other side of the map so the game would last longer

  12. I have been saying all this about tru3 for years.i can’t work out if he even like the game or not. Its like he plays it reluctantly.

    Ultimately, he chucks his toys out of the pram if he has a bad game.

  13. Some very good points made here, hopefully tru3 agrees to a wee live debate because it's always good to see different perspectives on this game. Sad to see some people using this comment section to trash talk tru3 when that isnt needed and clearly not what scott wanted, just some objective criticism which can be a good thing.

  14. Something i thought of as a survivor main, I don't usually play swf but something that I think would "nerf" swf is making all the survivors in the swf not be able to use the same perks. Anyone think this would be to much?

  15. Just let killers queue without SWF teams. The fact that no killer would willingly play against them is proof that the amount of information given to people on comms is overpowered.

  16. I dont think solo queue should be buffed…a smart solo queue player can play perfectly well by themselves and no I dont think swf should get nerfed however I think the killer should be notified that a group is in a swf and that's all


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