This plague had ruin and it was never cleansed. I feel like this is what will happen if they added base regression and in the tournament with ruin forever. Nothing will change against split up teams, but solo players would be miserable
Yeah I ait playing killer for till they turn this shitty MMR off. Played 5 game today and swapped perma to surv. All matches were Vs purples, yellows and green players. Shits not fun. As a surv I got killers from ranks 4 to 1 no higher which was fine cuz my teammates were same or 1 or 4 ranks. MMR is shit
I dont understand why people think "not cleansing" against Plague is still the counter play strategy against her. You all do understand that she now starts out with a pool already corrupted right? And me personally as a Plague main I love it when people dont cleanse against me because I personally dont rely on my corrupt purge to down Survivors (especially if I was on a map like Haddonfield and they're multiple line of sight breakers which would ultimately make corrupt purge nearly useless.) This is why I bring Save the Best for Last, for the non cleansers
lmao rare
Her eyes are actually moving.
And the funny thing is maskless killers' faces are frozen and ridiculous.
Wow!!! You played against Silvio Berlusconi, former Prime Minister of Italy.
This plague had ruin and it was never cleansed. I feel like this is what will happen if they added base regression and in the tournament with ruin forever. Nothing will change against split up teams, but solo players would be miserable
She just loses cause was a bad plague
No exhaustion perk? Why?
DBD should make a new perk that lets survivors "Jump" (Exhaustion ofc).
No offense taken to the killer, but ‘ruin’ and ‘pop goes the weasel’ don’t really work together.
Whenever I'm against Plague, my teammates cleanse like it's going out of style. Then they go and unhook an infected survivor and cleanse again.
Yeah I ait playing killer for till they turn this shitty MMR off. Played 5 game today and swapped perma to surv. All matches were Vs purples, yellows and green players. Shits not fun. As a surv I got killers from ranks 4 to 1 no higher which was fine cuz my teammates were same or 1 or 4 ranks. MMR is shit
when even a rank 14 knows not to cleansed, everyone else needs to do better
I dont understand why people think "not cleansing" against Plague is still the counter play strategy against her. You all do understand that she now starts out with a pool already corrupted right? And me personally as a Plague main I love it when people dont cleanse against me because I personally dont rely on my corrupt purge to down Survivors (especially if I was on a map like Haddonfield and they're multiple line of sight breakers which would ultimately make corrupt purge nearly useless.) This is why I bring Save the Best for Last, for the non cleansers
Why is true not using facecam atm?!
Not cleansing will make the game easy and hard it's a 50/50 but not cleansing is the right thing to do.
I nvr affected then one of the survivors idiot go and do same generator with me then I got affected
Curious as to why Plague without corrupt purge is basically Legion. The power is still very different. Just interested in the train of thought