Abusing Balanced Landing – Dead by Daylight

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In today’s video we are going to be using balanced landing, hope that you all enjoy!

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Previous video: https://youtu.be/0rVKatkCvj8

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30 thoughts on “Abusing Balanced Landing – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Btw I switched out borrowed time for deception in the second game to see if we could get any use out of it, but switched it back for borrowed after that game

  2. Honestly your voice is so good, I could listen to you saying "here" forever, if you were ever to do ASMR I think it would be very successful ufhjfghudsf'
    But I also love the gameplay so keep it up, you're really great >:D

  3. Personally, I think the exhaustion perks should each have a little more to set them apart than just how you activate them. The main one is lithe, and I think it should make you vault 15-30% faster (this would also help with the issue where you should've made the vault but the killer has bad ping, so you get haste and exhausted on the ground).
    Dead hard and head on are their own thing entirely, and adrenaline heals 1 health state, those should stay the same for sure. Smash hit is the only repeatable way to get more than 3 seconds of haste, so I think that's already a good difference, if you were to add something, maybe if it gave you endurance while injured, dropping pallets, and not exhausted? (Sometimes the killer is close enough to swing and hit when you pallet stun, this'd be to stop you from being exhausted with haste on the ground) Balanced landing, I think that maybe it should reduce landing lag in general (like it used to), but reduce it more when it activates (maybe 50%/80%). Sprint burst I can't really think of how you'd make it different, except for maybe making it's cool down 5 seconds shorter?

    Also, I think that exhaustion should again recover while running, but maybe at like 1/5 normal speed and only outside of chases. People*, especially with Sprint burst, just end up walking most of the game to have the exhaustion at the ready when they need it.

    * I do not have tournament experience, I am not a consistent high rank survivor, this could be more of an issue at lower ranks than higher ranks. Although, from what I have seen at higher ranks, sprint burst is almost never used, and it's the worst offender since you can't control it well

  4. Love the vids! This is more like "using" balance landing than "abusing" it…lol… You've made me such a better looper. I can last so much longer now & the shack is now my home!


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