"According To The Statistics" | Almo The Game Designer – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Once again, this video is not to offend or to throw shade at Almo. He is a wonderful person and doesn’t deserve any mean comments towards him. If I see any mean comments about him as a person I will remove them. However, we may laugh and constructively criticize opinions and theories about the game. I encourage good discussions about the game, however, I don’t want people to be rude to each other, you may agree to disagree, but don’t be mean about it.

All clips used can be sourced from the man himself
Almo: https://www.twitch.tv/almo2001

Also don’t worry, I will have a video on the PTB 4.5.0 or whatever. I just need time to compile a bunch of clips of all the bugs.


26 thoughts on “"According To The Statistics" | Almo The Game Designer – Dead By Daylight”

  1. They really need to get someone on the balance team who actually knows why things are 'OP' and actually cares about the community. The fact that he just flat out says 'I don't give a ** about DS', something that a majority of the community has been complaining about for ages, is embarrasing from a PR standpoint. The fact he also has no clue why OoO is a problem…. Seriously, this answers so many questions…. they really need to hire a dedicated PR person because a lot of what is said on streams in response to community questions is just horribly unprofessional and a blatant slap in the face to their playerbase.

  2. 2:20 So the argument made here is: If the winrate of a perk isn't very high it doesn't need to be changed.
    I have just thought of a very fun killer perk:

    Roll the Dice:
    At the start of the game you have a 5/10/15% chance of instantly ending the trial and winning the game. You get max points on all categories.

    Yeah the winrate of this perk isn't very high, because in 95/90/85% of cases it literally does nothing and wastes a perk slot. But imagine how fun those few games are for the losing survivors.

    Low winrate =/= Should not be looked at and possibly changed

  3. I still can not get over the fact that where he said dream pallets are stronger than snares now I think it might be stronger if you see pallets outside of the dream world that mind mess with people's heads hardcore in my opinion.

  4. Ah yes freddy (basically an m1 killer with no power in a chase) is OP because… he just feels like nerfing him, oh wait can't say that hmmmm, his pallets are OP because survivors want to throw it down right away so they don't get tricked later.

  5. I’m guessing this guy is the reason why ochido is still not permanently banned from this game, cause him seeing ochido playing this game in the most toxic way possible is probably like him looking at a mirror

  6. 2:43
    When he said “my hair is fucked again”, I initially thought he was referring to his own hair.

    I have a friend who plays Detective Tapp frequently and one thing happens to him regularly while playing as him. His chain holding the badge will randomly grow in length and occasionally get stuck on things. Whenever he uses him, we joke whenever we start a match by saying “will his chain hang low once more?”

    Also, I see survivors heads and neck spazz out a lot and move in unnatural and erratic manners.

  7. The one thing I agree with him on is that Hag has a higher win rate than Nurse, because think about it, most high rank Hags and Nurses are super, super good, but low rank Hags are usually better than low rank Nurses.


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