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22 thoughts on “ACT TOXIC GET TOXIC! ft. ITS JUST PIXELS! Dead by Daylight”

  1. They may as change the name of the game from dead by daylight to survive till daylight, Survivors just get to many chances it’s actually ridiculous

  2. 5:36 Exactly. Ppl can't see the other side and more frequently than not do the things they want others not to do back XD, it's just ridiculous. And yes, it's just pixels. Most of the time what makes me angry in Dbd is not the match or ppl playing per se, but the situations where you can't do nothing against. Playing a challenge is interesting, but playing a match you notice it will be impossible to win makes us lose interest.

  3. It was obvious that the Feng wasn't even trying to win. She literally stood there flashing the light at him and let him down her. And when he came back, she let him down her again… And again.

    I hate toxic survivors as much as the next guy, but at this point, Tru3 is being an emotional crybaby. His other videos were right, but this one is just him crying.

  4. I admit, even I have my moments when I rage, but to physically give up in front of someone is embarrassing. It’s insane how as humans we resort to blaming others for the mistakes we make instead of improving FROM our mistakes. If you lose, get better. And if you played your best and STILL lost, GG. Don’t let these emotions control you, play something fun, get off the game, enjoy your time doing something else.

  5. All these dry dick losers that act toxic, but then weep like babies when they get it done back to them is so funny to watch. Like if you brainless toxic idiots cant take it, then dont dish it out.

    Good vids as always True!

  6. Tru, do you think you will play the new Evil Dead: The Game that comes out this Friday? Might be a way to check out a new 1v4 game that feels more fair than DBD atm.

  7. The people that say " It's just a pile of pixels, it's not real" are hypocrites of the highest caliber. If you can experience joy, pride,sense of accomplishment about the game that means you can also experience complete opposite emotions. And there are people that want you to feel bad about you in-game. And act surprised when they are getting hate in return.


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