Alan Wake Perk Review – Dead by Daylight

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They’re pretty meh.


38 thoughts on “Alan Wake Perk Review – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Champion of Light might be the single most broken, tone deaf perk in the game rn. Pair that with something like Fixated and you're moving as fast as you run. 20% hinder is ludicrous, and if they use something like Breakout with it bully squads can literally just spam you with a flashlight and make it almost impossible to do anything.

    Between this and the PTB changes, i seriously can't see myself playing the game as Killer for the foreseeable future

  2. Boon Illumination is completely useless as most survivors do not have the brain pan size to remember where the gens or chests are once they leave the boons radius and Deja vu at least gives you a boost in gen repair speed. Deadline utterly useless as I have seen the gameplay and skill check's com in mildly faster and sort of like Doctors skill checks. You should not have to dedicate your whole build in order to get value out of one perk?? Champion of light is meh, but killers will just add Lightborn in their base kit of perks when they see beamers so this perk is rendered useless. Sorry, Alan Wake is totally underwhelming but Blight is actually stronger with his unlimited bounces, and I never thought I would want him back the way he was so good job BHVR lol.

  3. Champion is actually gonna be strong for helping survivors that are getting tunneled. Blind the killer when they go to break a pallet, and the person getting tunneled should be able to get away for basically free. I know people would prefer to go for flash light saves, but I believe applying Champion the way I mentioned will be more valuable.

  4. Deadline seems like it could pair well with Autodidact.

    Also the reduced penalty for missed skillchecks on deadline just seems like a counter to Hunter’s Lullaby, if anything.

  5. 0:07

    Does it matter at all? No.

    However, they don’t call them Paragraphs anymore.

    Idk why, I think a different naming scheme made sense for smaller content drops.

    But ever since Ghost Face every content drop is a Chapter and they retired the Paragraph.


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