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►Video Song: Alien Crypt by White Bat Audio
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring

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30 thoughts on “ALIEN CHAPTER CONFIRMED | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I am beyond hyped for this chapter, been wanting Alien since day 1.

    BHVR does need to clean up their mess though. The forced camera movement after every M1 that wasn't supposed to come to live servers did get implemented since Nemesis and Singularity, who didn't have that wobble before the Nick Cage update, now are forced to look down despite what they said in the patch notes and their forums for people with motion-sickness. Whether it's a lie or a mistake, it has to be rolled back.

  2. Three things I want to see with the Alien Chapter.
    1. Motion detectors for the survivors, I wanna hear that beeping as the Alien closes in on you.
    2. Alien having the ability to climb up the walls and ceiling. Don't know how it would work for all the maps but this would be a must for the alien.
    3. Swap out hooks for eggs, still the same three phases with the second phase having the egg opening and the third having the face hugger jumping out. Wouldn't make sense for the Alien to be hooking a survivor in the first place.

  3. The main question I have is is it going to walk on 2 legs or be the first dbd killer to walk on all 4s, or perhaps its normal walk will be on 2 legs and it will have a sprint power like the Oni where it drops on to all 4s and charges survivors. Either way excited for this.

  4. Alien. Is my favorite movie/series of all time. I've said for so long that I would begin to play DBD religiously if it ever came into the game. Alien has always been my number 1 franchise to see followed closely by F13. But I'm so damn happy. I don't care if the Nostromo could suck as a map. To play on that map. As, hopefully Sigourney Weaver's, Ripley. I am a happy gamer. Period.

  5. I have this weird feeling that it'll play extremely similar to Demogorgon as a way for new players to still experience the gameplay since you can't buy demo anymore. I'm probably wrong tho.

  6. Xenomorph is mainly know for Venting, I dont know how BHVR will incorporate that into the game. While its sad, I dont think Vents with be a thing. Quite Unfortunate. But with the Survivors I wish it would be Amanda Ripley with a Skin to be Ellen Ripley, I was more of a fan of the Game. I loved the movies, but I loved Alien Isolation more. Also, I wonder if theyd put Facehuggers in.

  7. I can personally attest that, upon seeing the teaser, I lost my shit. I couldn't believe it was ACTUALLY happening, and with no leaks beforehand nonetheless!
    I'm so hype for the chapter, especially if they include Ripley as a survivor, possibly with some legendary skins to make her into Amanda Ripley, or maybe Simmons or the preacher from Alien 3 would be cool.


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