Alien First Impressions are Excellent – Dead by Daylight

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22 thoughts on “Alien First Impressions are Excellent – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Alien has built in slowdown with the turrets. Makeing/carrying/placeing/repairing turrets is time that could be used on gens. Id argue it's better built in slow down than Nemisis zombies.

  2. One thing i think they should change on survivor vs the xeno is the flame thrower. When in the radius of the camera if you look towards it its like a strobe affect that i could see affect ppl susceptible to seizures. Should just be like a boon although a different colour tinge.

  3. It is fair to say it's like demogorgon's "tunnels" BUT it is very much indeed improved and taken to a new direction. Just because you actually crawl instead of teleporting I mean how much of a jackass do one need to be over such a dumb saying.

  4. The fact I called the chase music a windshield wiper within the first hour of the PTB going live and then hearing someone else say it, highlights how dogwater it is. It’s on par with the Hags tumble dryer…

  5. More than anything we might get a queen skin & other Legendary Skins for the alien. For Ripley that's gonna be a lot of outfits and legendary characters. I hope we get Her daughter as a character

  6. I like the killer but im a little concerned about the tail, it make the killer a little anti loop as it basically renders the pallet useless. Whereas nemi and huntress have similar ability to hit survivors over the pallet, they often or not still break pallets… hmmm

  7. I wonder when the train track music started, I think it was around Doctor's rework. I don't think Xeno's music is as bad as ghostface's washing machine music but its still not great and maybe the tail attack could benefit if its hit box was smaller to allow more reliable hits unless its as Scott says, its misleading.

    Otherwise fun and cool chapter all around, and even the perks don't seem complete trash.

  8. The tail sitting there at the top of the screen is really offputting, but maybe that's just a me thing, or maybe it's just because it's so static and doesn't really have any idle movement, idk just looks weird to me. Hopefully they lean into the tail "slice" mechanic of being able to draw a line like you described though, and make it a more fleshed out mechanic, I think that'd be really cool

  9. i would love them too just remove the flame turrets, and make the power a cooldown or a charge up like oni/myers,
    I know side objectives and all that but cmon did we really need to give survivors another EMP

  10. Had a moment on rpd where i was chasing someone on the outside of rpd and they threw down the pallet and ran to the side so i did the tail attack and moved the the same way and hit them it felt good

  11. my only problem with the killer is that it seems to be missing? animations for standing up and getting on all fours. would love to see a cool animation there instead of it just locking in and out without smooth movement

  12. What're your opinions on the new environmental hazard/interactable – the lever to activate the gas in the Nostromo – as a potential new loop mechanic? I'm getting pretty bored of just windows and pallets so this feels like it's got a lot of potential..


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