All 12 Hex Perks Ranked Worst to Best! (Dead by Daylight Hex Perks Ranked and Explained)

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Hey everyone, today we’re going to be ranking all of the hex perks in the game from worst to best. Hex perks are generally high risk, high reward perks that have strong effects, but the vulnerability of being tied to a totem, which can be broken by a survivor. Let’s get into it.

Chapter 21.5 has been revealed and is named Hour of the Witch, featuring new survivor Mikaela Reid. Mikaela is bringing a new type of survivor perk named Boon perks, that can bless dull totems, turning them into Boon totems.

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone

Hope you enjoy!
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Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there):

Intro 0:00
Hex: Huntress Lullaby 0:15
Hex: Thrill of the Hunt 1:24
Hex: Haunted Ground 2:33
Hex: Retribution 3:35
Hex: The Third Seal 4:34
Hex: Plaything 5:41
Hex: Crowd Control 6:40
Hex: Blood Favour 7:40
Hex: Devour Hope 8:43
Hex: No One Escapes Death 10:01
Hex: Ruin 11:02
Hex: Undying 11:53
Outro 12:56


47 thoughts on “All 12 Hex Perks Ranked Worst to Best! (Dead by Daylight Hex Perks Ranked and Explained)”

  1. Noed is cheap and unfair
    It rewards the killer for nothing

    It’s also free
    Say what you will about decisive but there is a high chance of missing it, it’s been nerfed to hell and it’s exclusive to a character you have to buy and level up
    Same with borrowed time (apart from the buy character part)

    Barbecue is mostly fair but noed gives an unfair advantage and the argument of ‘just do bones’ isn’t an argument

  2. About the Hexes effect, i think it depends more of where they are. In maps like Yamaoka's property or Cold Wind Farm it's easier to hide then Leroy's hospital.
    On these moments, i wonder what would happen if the killer could choose where it will be.

  3. If the survivors aren't paying attention when the Hex: Undying debuff message comes up or they aren't aware that they are within 4 meters of a dull totem, Undying can be super powerful at just tracking the survivors and making it a lot easier to zone in on them, as well as giving any other hex totem a second chance

  4. Hex builds were a ton of fun, now that boon totems are a thing my hexes are gone even faster! Also why can survivors replace the boons but killers can't? Should destroy the totem all together or be able to put a hex back on.

  5. noed is definitely the biggest problem in the hex line up, and even just in the killer perk list. like azhy said, it rewards killers for nothing, and often times it rewards them for being a bad killer. the perk guarantees a kill or better every game. it’s such a crutch and people rely on it for kills. it’s sad, and present in like every skill level.

  6. Retribution is slept on. Otz taught me that and with the buff it is great. Imo much better than third seal. Great content as usual.

    Edit-I'm sorry. Blood favor is good on close killers like wraith and legion. And bad on range killers who can hit you from… Well range so you dgaf about pallets. Idk your logic behind this. Legion is the best killer in terms of blood favor use.

  7. here's a hex perk that i created, what do you guys think?
    survivors start the trial healing 15% faster. for each heal completed on other survivor or on themself, this hex gains a token. each token decreases the healing speed by 5%.
    this could create many different strategies, like 99% the heals or more survivors using inner strength.
    also, survivors are encouraged to heal, thus increasing the hex effect. this hex in mid-late game could be devastating, but survivors have time enough to search for the totem.

  8. I think huntress lullaby hex is powerful, I got into game with a huntress using this perk and my game was a bit laggy but with no warning and the line going by really fast it was really hard to hit a skill check, each time I missed a skill check it be going down by 6 percent, idk I think it’s a good perk
    Edit: after the watching the entire vid I see that the lullaby is not that good compared to the others

  9. 6:40 I can’t tell you how many times Hex: Crowd Control has me trapped because a teammate will rush vault a window when the killer is coming. When I’m killer, it either instantly gets cleansed or does little in chase.

  10. I really think Thrill of the Hunt just shouldn't be a hex perk.
    It's not strong enough in the current sandbox to justify potentially losing an entire perk slot along with the perk for the sake of having it. It either needs a major buff/rework, or have the hex part just removed outright.

  11. I haven't played this game in about 2 months, how come there's a generator randomly highlighted in yellow? He's only running ruin for generator related perks

  12. Old undying should've stayed but typical crybaby survivors hate cleaning too many totems apparently. I agree that this undying is still powerful to a certain degree, but with new perks like Jill's counterforce and detective's hunch, I feel like the old Undying should come back to put more task on the survivors, they already have boons. (Which I must say are the most unfair set of totem perks I've ever seen; You can put them anywhere a totem is applied and can reuse it if a killer stuffs it while killers start with theirs on the map and cannot place them and they are gone after they clean or bless the totems even.)


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