All 2021 Chapters Ranked WORST to BEST! – Dead by Daylight

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All 2021 Chapters Ranked WORST to BEST! – Dead by Daylight
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This is every DBD chapter from 2021 RANKED Worst to Best! It was actually a little difficult figuring this out, has I had multiple different reasonings for place each chapter where I wanted it to go. I think it turned out pretty good though! Let me know what YOU think in the comments below!

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Stream Schedule!:
🔴 Monday – 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST
🔴 Tuesday – 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST
❌ Wednesday – No Stream (Unless New Chapter)
🔴? Thursday – Cheat Day, Possible Stream 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST (Unless New Chapter)
🔴Friday – 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST
🔴 Saturday – 7:00pm EST to 10:00pm EST
❌Sunday – No Stream

0:00 Intro
0:58 #5
3:51 #4
6:47 #3
8:44 #2
10:03 #1
12:19 Outro
Music Used:
Dead by Daylight Metal Cover – Thunder Scott –
“Tainted (Instrumental Version)” by Red Revision

#IntoTheFog #dbd #ranked


35 thoughts on “All 2021 Chapters Ranked WORST to BEST! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I mostly agree, however mikyla and all kill should have been replaced, boon totems as a whole has hurt the game for killers more then anything other think to have come out this year, she does NOT deserve to be this high up

  2. Honestly I was really happy with all these chapters, but I think that they could be done better with Hellraiser chapter. Personally my favorite 2 chapters were Resident Evil and Portrait of a Murder

  3. My personal top 5 probably goes as follows.
    1.) Resident Evil. It was my number 1 licensed chapter I wanted and I loved that we got it. It was just kind of sad the state that it was released in which really diminished it.
    2.) Portrait of A murder. I love a lot about this chapter, mainly dealing with the Artist and the map, really don't care for the survivor at all.
    3.) Hour of the Witch. I love both the design and lore with Reid but, gotta be honest, her perks is very flip of the coin. Awesome to play and enjoy on the survivor side but a absolute chore and annoyance on the killer side.
    4.) All-Kill. I don't care about K-pop at all so, even just design wise, Trickster and Yung just do nothing for me. Plus, I feel Trickster is the definition of a killer that is a complete pain to go against but quite fun to play.
    5.) Pinhead. I'm probably going to make quite a few people upset at this one but, I'm sorry, I just still couldn't care less about the Hellraiser franchise. Too add onto that, I did and still do find him kinda fun to play but, the whole NFT situation just killed something that I already didn't care all too much about so, now, I just feel kind of guilty to even look at him. Just glad Baker got the IP back.

  4. Wait. You just listed the order in which these chapters released. It's either not a tier list or bhvr learns from their mistakes. But really i like the last 3 killers because each of them has some kind of 4v1 and it might be a good sign for future killers

  5. I do like portrait of a murder I like the artist aka carmina mora she is fun but I haven’t buy Jonah but I love the 3 perks of hers scourge hook pain resonance and grim I’m embrace and love Eris of crows

  6. i would switch the all kill chapter and resident evil chapter in ranking imo since i was on console and the frame rate was so bad at the time that i wouldnt even consider it playable as well the abhorent amount of bug's it came with

  7. The Resident Evil Chapter also introduced new features that made Legendary skins more distinguishable as their own characters like giving them their own voices, icons, and names when in a lobby

  8. i dont know how u can say the survivor perks are stronger in "a potrait of a murder"
    overcome is the only decent one
    while corrective action should of become a standard not specific perk cause its horrible.
    boon expo is only decent in builds just dedicated to it

  9. My favourite chapters this year
    1. Portrait Of A Murder
    2. All-Kill (would be number 1 if it came with a map)
    3. Hour Of The Witch (Boons are fun)
    4. Resident Evil (because of the map, I actually quite like the map. The killer on the other hand I find extremely boring/annoying to go against because of the zombies)
    5. Hellraiser (got to be one of the worst things to ever come to DBD. He shouldn’t get a nerf or a buff. Sometimes the box is impossible to solve as u keep getting chains charging at u whilst trying to solve it and it resets the action. And he didn’t come with anything else like a map or survivor)

  10. i probelly would go

    5: hour of the witch: i don't care for survivior only chapters that much
    4: hellraiser: i like the perks just no map wich is a shame. and i get motion sick from his chains.
    3: all-kill: i like how trickser plays it's just funny
    2: resident evil: nemesis is great same with leon and jill
    1: BIRD MILF

  11. Tooten I think you should make it more clear on which factors you are basing it. It’s super weird how you are ranking these chapters. How can you rank All-kill and Resident Evil behind just a single survivor? It could have been a better video if the measurement were more logical.

  12. dude, pinhead's buff is engineers fang. and hour of the witch has become insufferable. boons were handled terribly. you might as well have ruin and devour hope be base kit uncleansable for old spirit. say what you want, you can't change my mind.

  13. Mikaela is the 250'th learn to fucking deal with it that survivors got, and what do us killers have? spirit. the only learn to deal with it is being nerfed to the ground. we need more spirits, less boons.


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