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My opinion on which characters have the best chase themes!
For comedic purposes, I added some footage that doesn’t belong to me. Below is a list of all videos used on my video:
00:00 ADHD Catered Intro
00:52 30 The Ghostface PTB
02:26 29 The Nurse
03:40 28 The Ghostface LIVE
04:33 27 The Doctor
05:44 26 The Hag
06:58 25 The Xenomorph PTB
08:05 24 The Singularity
09:26 23 The Skull Merchant
11:25 22 The Knight
12:25 21 The Clown
13:16 20 The Hillbilly
14:00 19 The Cenobite
14:29 18 The Artist
15:59 17 The Onryo
17:34 16 Default Themes
19:10 15 The Xenomorph LIVE
20:20 14 The Good Guy
21:25 13 The Dredge
22:19 12 The Spirit
23:25 11 The Trickster
25:02 10 The Demogorgon
26:53 9 The Twins
27:40 8 The Executioner
29:30 7 The Oni
31:00 6 The Shape
32:40 5 The Blight
33:56 4 The Legion
34:59 3 The Mastermind
35:52 2 The Nemesis
36:56 1 The Deathslinger
PTB Ghostie: Front Load Washer Total Carnage – Washer goes Chain Chomp on me
Scream Car Scene
Nurse: How Rappers be when a trash feature ruins the whole song
Ghostface: dog sleeping meme
Doctor: Shake N Bake Video For Mason | Distortions Unlimited
Alien PTB: Hammer Drill Sound Effect, Drill noise, with video.
Homeless Windshield cleaner
Windscreen wipers in action. Lots of them! Windshield, rear and headlamp
Singularity: Cybergoth Dance Party
Skully: Best Capoeira Brazil
Knight: Knights in gym
Onryo: Camera Attacked by Bee (Bee flys into camera)
Bee caught on camera
Crazy Bee Attacks Camera
Xenomorph: Southern University #JukeboxChallenge
Chucky: Back up Chucky!
Dredge: Meshuggah moshpit
Spirit: 15,684kg Bell ringing
Demogorgon: Guy floating meme
Oni Kodo – “O-Daiko” – HD (japanese drummers – Taiko – tambours géants Japon)
Blight:fast horse meme
Wesker:KSI floating meme
#dbd #intothefog
It's finally here! A video I have been working since November of 2023! This is my personal opinion on the chase themes of each killer. Not the terror radious, but I do talk about them whenever they fit! It also contains some fun facts and stuff you might not have known, just to make this video a bit different and unique compared to my other tier lists / rankings!
Also, I cringed a lot while editing this stuff 😬 It all started with the washing machine and buzzing bee thing, and then I said "Why not do an intro for all chase themes" and thus I had to search for intros for each one, which took more time than actually making the script 😅
If pyramid head kept his PTB music, I would have been a pyramid head main.
spirit should be much higher..
As a Nurse main, I highly disagree with most of this ranking. Especially #14.
I lowkey feel the PTB Ghostface is in the top 10. It fits the theme of Ghostface which is anxiety and disorientation from somebody with the intent to kill you coming at you out of nowhere.
Ghostface’s chase theme makes me think urban, like an alleyway in a city or something like that. Idk why
Imagine if the PTB Ghostface theme had 2 sections. 1st is the unexpected jumpscare washing machine intro for about 5 seconds, and then, after the 5 seconds, the 2nd section starts, where it then loops without any presence of the 1st section.
Just saying that the jumpscare was a good idea, but executed wrong. That's to be expected, tho. The devs don't play their fucking game. They forgot that killers can be looped. They suck so bad at their own game, that they struggle to believe you can survive Ghostface for more than a milisecond.
Based Ranking
Its never sounded like a washing machine to me, I've always referred to it as a dying printer
I actually like the alien ptb chase. It reminds me of alien isolation.
I love the first scene when the doctor came on 😂 lol.
I wish they just used Mr Envy's proposal of a song for The Legion.
Don't get me wrong, the ones The Legion got are absolute bangers, but that's the problem, they are just bangers. Mr Envy's proposal is both a banger and it still spreads a feeling of anxiety.
Why was this video actually funny
Lol, I don't know; I actually like the windshield washer Xenomorph theme. It was tense hearing that, and then seeing some monstrosity barreling down on me.
Chucky's music is based off the score from the second movie. You can hear the similarity very clearly in the final scene.
Yah hit the nail on the head with Wesker's music, the orchestral sound really suit him! Is it my favorite chase music.
Alien ptb>>>
Just for pyramid heads ass (and ptb theme)
The thing I love about Legion's is that you can hear each layer of the terror radius clearly in the full chase. Also my favorite add-on combo is Julie and Suzie's mixtape
Top 4 are indeed what i could listen for years playing this game and not get tired
Wait, wait, wait, foul, I'm calling foul
Why does this tier list have Ghostface Old and Ghostface Live, but no Ghostface Old 2?
I know the last two are very similar, but still. Live is one of my least favorite and Old 2 is one of my favorite. Why?
Tempo? Live is a snooze fest while Old 2 is very fast and frantic. It fits GF in my opinion because OG GF was very chaotic in his chasing style. DbD GF is less so, but in return he's much more devious, stealthy and for lack of better word… Professional
I like the washing machine and the nurse
In my opinion i think they should leave trappers music alone; menu, chase etc.. but the wraith should get a revamp of the og theme/chase.
I will never forgive this community for complaining about the PTB Xenomorph chase theme and getting them to change it for a generic theme.
I'm a huge Alien fan, I liked the alarm themed chase music lol