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Today’s PTB for the mid chapter update 5.1.0 brings new character face reworks for Tapp, Quentin, Laurie, Dwight, Meg, Jake, Claudette, Meg and more!
As well as a few perk changes and the trickster buffs!
Here are the detailed patch notes
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About Me!
My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.
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Keywords:Dbd, dead by daylight tips, dbd tips, dead by daylight mobile, dead by daylight new killer, dbd killer tips, dead by daylight killer tips, dead by daylight update, dbd update, patch update,
I'm srry dyllon, but when I look at new Quentin's face, I think of urs. But I swear, I mean that in the nicest way possible tho❤
I didn't like them
Wow, kate doesnt look so old anymore
They're all so hot now. CLEAN
Cybil Bennett also got a rework
Wow now Quentin looks like a human not like a drug dealer
Jake and Quentin look like anime protagomists now 😂
wow Quentin actually looks like a teenager now
I love Laurie reworks !!
any videos showing prestige skins? they said it received a visual update too
Do you think Yui and Jeff are getting reworks too??
How do you get those body parts for Quentin ? I don't have them
They all look so good in-game/in-motion!!
Meg is Beauty
Fuck they didnt animate ace's smirk like people said they would. They stole all his charm and appeal dammit
I really don't like Kate anymore, her missing eye make-up ruins most of her head costumes now.
Quentin actually looks so good omg… I think I will start to level him up… Great job by devs this time!
Quentin actually looks like a human
did the update release ?
Behavior actually did something nice!
Tapp looks just likes his actor from the movie. clap for the devs
David is soo nice and Jake too^^
Claudi's face looks way different now
Feng Man.
Sees Jake
Ajay Ghale, is that you??
They made my girl Kate a mouth breather! noooooooo
Dwight and Quentin cool 😤😤😤
Is there a part 2? Hope Zarina is getting updated
Oh no they're hot 😟
Oh my God. I'm in a sweet dream.
Quentin actually has a face now.
I love all of these.
Pretty nice, cant wait for ashy slashy because rn his face is looking like a deadite.
Look like Quentin had a bit of plastic surgery last time I saw him
Dayum ma boi Quentin is hot now
Gotta rename quintin to chad now with that jaw line
Quentin looks not so goblin anymore!
Finally Laurie looks like a teenager and not like an old lady
Quentin and Laurie look the best
The new Laurie it's… strange…
Quentin looked like he was on black tar heroin
Claudette looks so cute
Feng and David were better before:C
Kate looks horrible now 😭
Tbh this doesn't look so bad. It looks so damn good!
Jake looks so yummy. he can call me the f slur and spit in mouth.
No way. I thought Quentin was a click bait. He doesn't look like a frog anymore!
I think Kate’s older model looked better imo
Pov: you are from ps4
Their p3 outfits are so good