An Ancient Aztec Fable – Dead by Daylight

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40 thoughts on “An Ancient Aztec Fable – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Exactly this Scott. I realised this a while ago when I was enjoying the game less thinking about "I have to play in such unfun ways to 'win' and kill everyone, or escape as quickly as possible". I realised then that, the mmr score people keep talking about, isn't even something we can see or notice in any real way, the devs could one day completely remove it and go to a different matchmaking system without telling us, and people wouldn't even notice. I've enjoyed the game a lot more when I focus on better objectives such as, maxing out my bp score, 8+ hooking on the survivors, or not escaping if there is a chance to save someone off hook! I wish more people just played for fun, but I get some people want to 'maximise' their ability to 'win'. After playing this game for a long time, I feel like this game is a lot easier than people make it out to be, and I wouldn't really bother with trying to play optimally anymore, as it's just more stressful than playing goofy/chilling out if the other side isn't playing stressful.

  2. So personal I not trying to build MMR since I don't care about a invisible number but I will say MMR has not made matches feel better. Most of all my matches every night are completely one sided. I either get survivors who act completely new and make so many mistakes where I win the match at 4 or 3 gens or I get matches where survivors feel like god loopers and I get maybe 3 hooks before all the gens are done and the survivors leave. MMR imo doesn't work and is completely a failure.

  3. Literally just be okay with the idea of losing and MMR will no longer bother you. That's the point I've always been advocating. Running off meta? Youre okay with losing so who cares. Playing less sweaty? Youre okay with losing so who cares. And if you play off meta/less sweaty enough, your mmr will lower enough to where You'll start winning again. Everybody wins.

  4. After quickly reading the comments and learning the fable is fake its quite funny how obvious it is looking at the text.

    It has no blue links like the text above.

    Has no sources about its discovery or age.

    Reads nothing like a hisotorians or archeaologist account

  5. 100% agree. Just give me a non-ranked and a ranked mode with a tweaked emblem system (maybe based on the real score or a team score) and job done (also been able to see the rank would help)

  6. in some versions of the fable, the farmers tried to out do each other in their own self-imposed devotion by trying to go on the longest streaks of days without sleep, tirelessly working the fields until they finally succumbed to the toil or were prematurely ended by bandits seeking glory for themselves.

  7. It was said that during those trying times, a great scholar arose, who would plead before both factions for peace and reason. This has angered many people, who began to accuse him of secretly being the other faction's "main" (the meaning of this word remains unknown to modern linguists, though some theorize that it is a very harsh curse word).

    The true name of this scholar has been lost to time, he is only known to us as "Skoet J'Oond". Many different interpretations of this name exist, with the current consensus being that it means something akin to "the one who yearns for bread".

  8. Aiyah Scott, I appreciate the bit, but once again you're just so wrong.

    The logical conclusion set up by your deity story is that the people saw that the deity did good for them, so if they did good to the deity, then perhaps the deity would make it better than they could imagine. Alternatively, people discovered that they could feel grateful by putting effort into offerings and appeasements, and pursued a path of emotional addiction, ideology gone wrong.

    Secondly, no MMR or other match making system is intended to be a reward, it is a calculated measurement of your average performance and seeks to match similarly minded players. I say similarly minded instead of similarly skilled, because different metagames exist at different MMRs due to player choice. Some people like goofing off, they really enjoy chase but let survivors go, or they want to be chainsaw only Billy or sniper shot Deathslinger/Huntress or etc. Or the ultimate pallet resetting survivor, or they always loot the chests for free items, or they're swf and they're just there to have fun and don't care about winning. Yes, of course skill does tend to correlate the higher up the ladder, but there are enough broken mechanics and cheese strats that bad players can win a decent amount.

    The prestige system is definitely a reward system, and while it's similar to MMR in that you need to win in order to pip up, it's not the same thing. And there are lots of good discussions to be had about how BP are awarded and how it's mostly pretty bad and punishes players for ending the game too efficiently on either side. Edit: that's what causes the sweaty play.

  9. This is why I have always said that the Emblem system is/was better than HIDDEN MMR.
    Emblems at least taught you to play all facets of the game, and I could jump on a smurf to avoid reaching sweat-ranks for a season or to help friends who don't play often.

  10. The changing of the win condition for MMR IS my problem as a mostly Solo Q Survivor. It drags down the quality of your matches for simply dying regardless of how well you did. I just want balanced games where my teammates don't die within 15 seconds or I get tunneled/camped just because I'm decent enough at the game. It's getting old. In terms of match quality, the old emblem system felt so much more balanced, and that's a problem considering how inaccurate that system was. It's not that people are sweating, it's that the quality of matches feel awful 80% of the time and the win condition promotes selfishness/hiding if you actually want higher MMR for higher quality matches. BHVR have managed to introduce MMR (Elo) Hell.

  11. I still play very similarly to how I used to play before the win condition changed personally, but yeah I do feel like I agree. Stuff got sweatier because of the change. Before Survivors would get what amounted to a win for them even if they died, whereas now because it's only escape that matters I imagine some people are more likely to lash out at the loss.

    I doubt they'll change it back at this point, but I do hope they do

  12. This is hilarious, not because Scott spent probably an hour editing a wiki article just to make a video and fuck with everyone. but because there will be people who don't actually realize the ruse and will legit tell people about "the Fable of Imemmar"

  13. They added MMR because they were tired of complaints about the transparent emblem matchmaking system. They wanted something they could hide and thought that would stop the complaints. Hope this helps.

  14. My issue isn't with MMR as a concept its that it's forced on us. I would just like separate ranked playlists. Having to go against the same meta stuff over and over is so draining. Especially with me not really using meta stuff. Sure a casual playlist would still have that but it would be less prevalent. I just want some variety.


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