Analyzing a Subscriber Made Idea for Hex Perks | Dead by Daylight

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Hey guys, trying out a new kind of video. A sub of the channel named Doogie sent me this idea as a follow up concept on my hex perk reword video I made awhile back. It goes into a lot of depth and I can tell a lot of time got put into it, so I wanted to make a video of me analyzing it and talking about how I feel towards all the ideas.

0:00 – Intro
1:57 – Hex Idea Summary
6:26 – Hex: Blood Favor
8:20 – Hex: Devour Hope
11:50 – Hex: Haunted Grounds
14:48 – Hex: No One Escapes Death
16:59 – Hex: Retribution
20:12 – Hex: Ruin
24:14 – Hex: The Third Seal
27:01 – Hex: Thrill of the Hunt
29:20 – Hex: Undying
31:45 – Hex: Huntress Lullaby
33:45 – Final Discussion/Outro

PLEASE let me know how you feel about this as a video idea, if this is something you guys enjoy I can consider uploading more videos like this, but if you don’t like it, i’d like to know as well.

My hex rework video idea –

I stream Dead by Daylight 6 nights a week over at Twitch –

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47 thoughts on “Analyzing a Subscriber Made Idea for Hex Perks | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Ok so the undying rework, beautiful but ruin I think leave the numbers their fine and the sparks LEAVE THEM I need to emphasize that because that is unnecessary to take, for retribution I suggest taking the numbers down some BUT add like 10/12/15 second for all other survivors so it doesn’t lead to tunneling because I do feel the one survivor thing lead to tunneling, NOED should be as it is said here and same with the rest, who ever did this, man you did great, just know all my notes are to make it feel fair to the survivors because of the fact that they’re already being force to do totems now which take kinda long but also take away from healing, unhooking and repairing so that’s already a punishment to them on top of whatever the hex is. So I’m just looking for balance to make sure the survivors and killers both get a fun game and not one seems that it’s to punished and unrewarding

  2. Dude these changes are amazing! This would be a great fix imho as it adds something else for the survivors to focus on during the game. This will probably never be added to the game, or nowhere soon, but it would be amazing if it did. Thanks for sharing Doogster!

  3. Well something about this concept is kind of weird. You want to like transfer the killers power spike to the early game, but that would in my opinion have like two possible outcomes:
    1) Survivors would play a lot more stealthy until enough totems are cleansed for it to be bearable.. resulting in a lot of early hide and seek much like you see it know in like green ranks . Where all you do is wander around hoping to find them.

    2) Games end way more often in the early game bc a lot of killers just want to 4k when they feel the power to do so. This is currently the case aswell but it usually happens later in the game so everyone had more chances to get points and interactions. So games would be come very frustrating especially for not so experienced survivors that dont know totem spawns… that even struggle with finding gens that are much easier to find.

    In both scenarios it seems to be very unhealthy for the game and the fun factor

  4. I’m sorry but the idea of forcing each killer to run 1 hex perk per game seems wrong to me. It limits the builds by a bunch, and limits flexibility. One of the most fun parts of dbd is making weird builds, but I feel that limits you somewhat.

  5. I am not sure about that 20% movement speed. The insta down killers would literally be too op, especially with infectious. I don’t think tofu was thinking about how fast killers can snowball. A billy with 20% chainsaw across the map yeah hard pass

  6. Would this mean that you are forced to run a hex perk? Why would you remove the option to forgo a hex perk and just use 4 regular perks? I think that rule should be null.

    Unless I'm misunderstood, it says you cannot run a non-hex perk in the hex spot, but I feel that would remove some builds that need all 4 perks if they arent using hexes.

  7. FINALLY something logical that (as a survivor player) would like so that cocky players are no more. Pog on the haunted idea. But wouldnt it be boring on the long game when everyone is hiding and using even perks to counter info gathering killerperks? Like raven spies or discordance? Everyone would genrush, toolboxes everywhere and with tinkerer it wouldnt be fun months after these changes…🤔🤔
    But for new players: why not an choosable hint/guide that activates certain things ingame when chosen from the settings? After a counted number of games or rank-reset, the help deactivates but can be used and reactivated in the settings. Im not sure if it should cost something tho since the infos it provides are: if noed active, exposed, when stalked, bigger redlight from killer, temporarily buffed items, some highlighted gens or something else in that way or another(HINT: The listed above are not all active at the same time when help used for new players. Just some. At random maybe..🤷‍♂️but ofc not p2w 😨)

  8. In the case of Hex Retribution:
    I would let the time high, but i would establish a Radius too.
    Just like the Wraith Add-On what exposes Auras in 12 Metres. So if a Survivor destroys a Totem you can See Auras in 12 or 24 Metres (better 12) around yourself.

  9. Only just sorta started watching as I'm doing some art things but I think one interesting possible idea to make Devour Hope work is have it be so that it's only on one totem at a time but lose power as it jumps to the remaining totems. For example you can still have the full benefit of killing people if there are three totems left but at 2 you lose that and at one you can't down people anymore.

    So for example with 5 totems on the map, one becomes the hex. The survivors are running around, maybe not seeing any hex totems so they think it's cool to ignore. Maybe someone cleanses a full just for the sake of it, 4 left in total. Now this can go one of two ways in my mind, either it loses power as it jumps or it loses power based on how many totems are left when it jumps. In the former scenario someone finally finds and breaks your hex when you're at 3 tokens. You can still down people and if you get to 5 tokens you can still kill people but if it gets cleansed again then it will drop to only as if you had 3 tokens. However, if there's only one dull totem and your hex totem left and you have 5 tokens but it hasn't been cleansed at all yet, when it gets cleansed you still have the full benefit of those 5 tokens until that last totem is gone, incentivizing smart cleansing of totems by either clearing them all quickly or trying to find and cleanse only the hex as it's found.

    In the latter scenario we'll go back to our previous example. There are 4 total totems left and we'll say you got 5 tokens. One other dull gets cleansed, meaning there are 3 total left, and then your hex gets cleansed. 2 totems would be left meaning you can now only down people. Here we see other dulls can be cleansed but it won't lose power till it jumps at which point it will go off of how many are left. This one gives more of a priority to just cleansing everything while also still looking for the hex to power down the killer. Making this on the fly and on my phone so pardon if it comes off as nonsense but hopefully the idea is there.

  10. For the undying curse I think that it is a good idea, but maybe allow the survivor to see right away that it is going to reconstruct and make it to where they cannot break it till it has reconstructed. Just to waste the survivors time without it being too OP with them not knowing which totems will reconstruct.

  11. I love some suggestions
    But not blood lust
    It's kinda needed
    Or sweaty swf will bully the killers until they fix the maps and that's alot to bank on from behaviour
    But in case you remove bloodlust
    The counter ballance I'll call it
    5 perk slots 4 normal
    And 1 will be always for a hex

  12. I actually had some ideas after reading these (honestly very good) rework ideas:
    For Haunted grounds: When the first totem is broken, 2/3/4 survivors get exposed, and they remain exposed until put in the dying state once, or until they cleanse another totem
    For Undying curse: When a hex totem is broken, all other hex totems get blocked by the entity for 5/10/15 seconds, anyone around a blocked totem has their aura revealed
    I could probably think of some for the other problematic hexes but ill put more thought into it later

  13. Oh yeah, they should remove bloodlust…once they buff all killer movement speeds first. It'd honestly help to fix some of the issues, but as it stands, bloodlust is still needed for some loops just because of their sheer size and lack of mindgames. I think all killers, including the slow ones, should be 120? It sounds bad at first, but in all honesty, it just slightly lowers the power of looping and allows killers to do better on bigger maps.

  14. With retribution hex, you could make the aura reading stop when in chase. Also, with undying, you could make it so that one totem is invulnerable, since most hexes won’t be too powerful with only one totem, and your also wasting an entire perk slot, and due to not knowing of your adding another perk slot for hexes or making one a dedicated slot, it seems balanced to me

  15. The proposed changes are awesome. Great job to the creator for making so many great ideas. I used them as a base to critique and offer updates to possibly make the proposed changes even better. I hope you like them. Suggestions/alternate ideas are welcome. If I didn't list a perk it's because I thought it was great and couldn't think of a way to make it better.

    Hex: Devour Hope
    Change “5 tokens: Grants the ability to kill survivors by your own hand” to 4 tokens. This makes it a little better by having the survivors cleanse 2 totems instead of just one. Only slightly more likely, but honestly that’s how it is now. You rarely every get to use the 5 tokens (pre-Hex: Undying update). It also has an interesting strategy when combined with my proposed Haunted Grounds changes

    Hex: Haunted Grounds
    When the third totem is destroyed, all survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect for 20/30/40 seconds. (Survivors are still informed). After the exposed status effect time has expired. All survivors’ auras are revealed to the killer for 5 seconds. This repeats every minute until the last totem is cleansed. The survivors know when this happens too.
    This gives the feeling that once the survivors cleanse the third totem they really are on haunted grounds. They will know that they are being watched every so often. The only way to remove “the curse” is to cleanse the last totem. This also has a weird effect that makes survivors not want to cleanse many totems (which is bad vs most other hex perks) or making sure to cleanse them all (which is hard to do). This perk having an effect only on 3-4 cleansed totems makes this viable since that will be the most often number of cleansed totems by the end of the game (IMO).

    Hex: Retribution
    I agree with OhTofu that the proposed times are too long. Maybe instead use 10/20/30. If after testing these are too low, then they can be increased. Also, OhTofu’s idea of keeping it to all survivors but lowing the time by even more (i.e. 6/8/10) is also viable.

    Hex: Ruin
    I agree with OhTofu that this is a great idea except the no sparks part. Having the sparks does let the survivors know, but that’s the downside of having a ruin that stays up most of the game. Make no mistake, this is a huge buff. Before, breaking one totem removed the perk (2 if running undying, but that requires 2 perk slots). Therefore, the downside is survivors know to cleanse totems. In addition, the "not worked on" seconds might be backwards. If the times were instead 5/10/15, then it would make it harder for survivors to notice that ruin is the hex perk at higher tiers. I don’t think 10 seconds per gen tap will make a huge difference (IMO though I'm probably wrong). Another way to tone this perk down some is to shift the gen regression down by one position. I.e. 5: 175%, 4: 150%, 3: 125%, 2: 100%, 0-1: affect removed.
    The point of ruin is to slow the game down. This perk will do that by regressing gens, forcing survivors to cleanse totems, or both. The counterpart is for survivors to slam out one gen at a time to negate both slow downs. Counterplay is good for DBD. This could lead to other strategic killer ideas like running perks that rely on survivors to group up on generates. This way they either get the grouped up effect they want or major slow down. Again more opportunities for counter play/perk synergy/perk hedging/etc.

    Undying Curse:
    After a totem is destroyed all other totems are blocked by the entity for 30/45/60 seconds. Survivors within 2 meters of your totems have their auras revealed to you.
    I really like the proposed idea. However, I have another idea that might be better, more inline with current DBD patterns, and easier for newer players. Newer players won’t know to go look at totems that have been destroyed, while experienced survivors will learn to recheck the first totem destroyed and just cleanse it again. My proposed idea keeps the effect of this perk lasting longer throughout the game (that's the point of this whole update; perks being removed in the first minute are not fun to run). This might also make survivors need to remember to come back when the totems are no longer blocked. Although, here the totems are clearly marked and there’s no confusion that the totem is still active just blocked at the moment. The blocking times on it might be too strong and could be lowered. I also lowered the aura distance to 2 for all tiers because current undying sometimes acts like I’m All Ears. Instead, it should only/mostly be triggered when a survivor is very close to a totem and most likely cleansing it. Another thought is to make this the new thrill of the hunt by just giving a notification and no aura reading. This is viable since the proposed thrill of the hunt no longer has this effect. This is also possible since the difference in tiers is based on the blocked time and not the aura reading.

    In addition, when the last totem is cleanse all the survivors know about it. This works well with my proposed Hex: Haunted Grounds and is a good quality of life improvement for survivors who may want to know if the last totem has been cleansed and may not be part of a sweaty 4-man SWFs.

    Interesting Combination from My Updates:
    Survivors may want to cleanse 2 totems to remove the possibility of Devour Hope’s killing while not triggering Haunted Grounds. If they want to remove the exposed part of Devour Hope, then they can cleanse the third totem. However, this could trigger Haunted Grounds. Throw NOED in the mix and the survivors don’t know what to do lol.

  16. Undying would be useful for devour since implementing this kind of change would essentially guarantee that you will almost never get the 5 hooks before any totems are cleansed.

  17. I think haunted ground could be reworked to have it be on a timer.
    Like maybe with it equipped. Haunted grounds will activate for a time makeing a dull totem into a hex. When active, the survivors will have the exposed status effect until the timer runs out, when that happens the hex totem will automatically be destroyed. Then after some time (maybe like 90 seconds) another dull totem will light up into a hex causing the same effects (but with each reduced totem the exposed status will be shortened by 10 seconds). A survivor can destroy the active totem to cancel the effect of that totem.
    This will make the perk automatic even without the survivor, and also entice the survivors to destroy totems to reduce the time haunted grounds would be active.

  18. I'm gonna be honest, I'd rather run 4 hex perks and have my entire build go to ruins slowly over the game. Like, I understand how busted having 4 hex perks that make your life hell until you get rid of them is, but also, I really want to go all in with them HAVING to do totems first before working on a generator

  19. After hearing the Noed, I have to believe this is from a Survivor main perspective. Which is weird, because the rest seem to be from a Killers perspective. They're buffing the Killer a lot, and as someone who already struggles beating Killers, this would be a miserable experience for me.
    Also, It seems that the problem people have with noed, is the camping. But why not discourage camping instead of nerfing a decent perk?
    I have an a possible solution. If a Killer is within like 10 Meters of a Hooked Survivor, and there are no other Survivors within like 15 or 20 Meters, the killer has 5 seconds to leave. If they don't, they begin to lose Bloodpoints at an increasing rate. 1 second = 1BP, 2s = 2BP, 3 = 4BP, then 8, 16, 32, 64, 128… I'm sure you see where I'm going with that. The first 10 seconds of camping will be an insignificant loss to the Killer, gives them a chance to look around and make sure no one is waiting to Unhook. But if they're camping for up to 20 seconds, they'll end up earning nothing. This might need adjusting, since losing 32K in 16 seconds might be a bit much. Maybe a multiplier of 1.5 or 1.3?
    Personally, if we're going to deny the Killer getting potential 1-hit downs, then I think the Survivors should be denied potential free health states (DS and Adrenaline). Especially since noed isn't as good as people seem to think. It's a Hex, so can be removed without ever having an effect on the game. Yes, noed camping sucks, and not just noed camping, but camping in general. But if there's a reason for them to avoid it (like my suggestion), problem solved?
    On a side-rant, I think there should be some sort of short timer for Survivors waiting to teabag from by the exit. If they're not crawling, or being carried, give them 5 seconds to leave. It's so annoying when that one lucky guy, on death-hook, waits the entire current timer out just to teabag, from a safe spot, knowing there's no risk. Or better yet, make it impossible to get downed into a win. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  20. Potential ideas for changes that I liked to go alongside this:

    Undying Curse may as well just give the old Thrill of the Hunt notification on it instead of the aura reading! However, since that is SIGNIFICANTLY more oppressive since EVERY totem is being used now, I'd recommend reworking totem cleansing entirely and making it to where progress isn't reset when a Totem is no longer being cleansed. The "Damage" to the totem stays, so if you DO have something like a Thrill notification, or even the currently suggested Aura Reading, survivors can be persistent at it and after 2-3 attempts, be interrupted by a killer, but can still whittle it down.

    Hex: The Third Seal. Make it only apply the Oblivious status, and instead of the old Blindness status effect, make it to where Hex Totems are Invisible outside of a certain range (Think Freddy or Wraith). If you aren't within 3-6 meters of a totem, it simply isn't visible. You could make that vision the "Scaling/Levelling" part and let the Oblivious be permanent. There might even be a neat system put in where, if a totem cleanse would free a Survivor of their Oblivious status, it could prioritize the person cleansing.

    Man this whole concept is insanely good though. There is SO much quality put into this, and even though I know it'll never happen, I want it. It's beautiful. BHVR pls.

    By the way while I'm here, do you or any other commenters have an opinion on a variation of Bloodlust happening while NOT in a chase for too long? Removing the in-chase crutch (Being replaced by this Thrill of the Hunt, maybe) while also making Larger maps like Red Forest a tad less problematic? You enter a chase, you lose Bloodlust? Idk, just felt like typing more, and that's been on my mind for a hot minute. Carry on y'all lol

  21. I found this extremely enjoyable because of the what-ifs. Because Doogie somewhat forced themself to adjust certain perks, they had some insane numbers for tier 3 which I found hilarious because I thought it was silly but then thought it was a great idea too which made me laugh even more. For a survival horror game, I've never laughed and enjoyed myself more.

    Seriously tho, doogie didn't stubbornly doo doo or extremely buff perks unnecessarily

    I would personally love to see more and hey, maybe reworks/ideas might get stolen by BHVR one day.

    Again, i enjoyed this very much. It was fun!

  22. its funny cause old hex ruin had me fucking confused as a baby player and i was lost as to why my skill checks turned red and tiny i always blew it up until i learned it was a hex lmaoo


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