Analyzing The Trapper | Dead By Daylight Discussions

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00:00: Intro
2:55: Lore
9:31: Themes
12:33: Cosmetics
15:37: Power And Gameplay
26:21: Perks
28:46: Add On’s
39:56: Perks That Work Best
1:44:48 Conclusions


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28 thoughts on “Analyzing The Trapper | Dead By Daylight Discussions”

  1. Cool vid!

    I do think the script could be a little tighter, less stream of consciousness. The tier list at the end is fine, I'm talking about the rest.

    On the tier list, I mostly agree! I think it's a good guide for people who want to get into him and highlights well what kind of killer he is.
    Can't wait for the next analysis!

  2. First time I heard someone saying Iri stone is a bad addon. It's great since you don't have to waste time to reset traps that survivors disarm. Traps on exit gate with No way out for example you don't have time to reset them. Nice long video btw good job!

  3. Concerning 19:25
    Firstly, granting the Trapper all of his traps from the outset would drastically alter the early-game dynamics. Dead by Daylight thrives on tension and suspense, with survivors navigating the map cautiously, anticipating danger at every turn. By saturating the map with traps right from the start, the Trapper would diminish this suspense, plunging survivors into a harrowing ordeal with little opportunity for strategic maneuvering. Such a scenario would undermine the core experience of the game, depriving survivors of the thrill of outsmarting their relentless pursuer.Moreover, spawning with all traps would significantly amplify the Trapper's lethality, potentially rendering matches overwhelmingly one-sided. Dead by Daylight thrives on the delicate balance between survivors and killers, where each side possesses unique strengths and weaknesses. Allowing the Trapper to deploy numerous traps at once would tip this balance in favor of the killer, disrupting the carefully crafted gameplay loop and robbing survivors of a fighting chance. The essence of Dead by Daylight lies in the struggle for survival, and granting the Trapper such unchecked power would detract from this fundamental aspect, ultimately diminishing the game's appeal.Additionally, spawning with all traps would stifle strategic diversity and creativity. Dead by Daylight is renowned for its depth of gameplay, offering players a myriad of strategies and tactics to explore. By providing the Trapper with an abundance of traps from the outset, players would be disincentivized from experimenting with alternative approaches, opting instead for the path of least resistance. This would not only homogenize gameplay but also limit the potential for emergent strategies and memorable moments, detracting from the game's longevity and replay value.

  4. Im pretty sure the idea that trapper fought against the entity and thats the reason for the hooks on his body is just a popular fan theory that has gained so much traction many just consider it cannon now

  5. Yo Kaiser, I wanted your thoughts on my werid Trapper buff idea.


    Cureently the Trapper has a grace period of 3 seconds after setting a trap, to where he cant be caught by it.

    I wanted to buff this effect by having the count down timer paused until they leave a 5 meter radius of the trap. Allowing them to play some more unsafe loops without risk of stepping in his own traps. The timer would be nerfed from 3 to 2.5 seconds to compensate.

    Buff the Trappers base capacity to 3, up from 2.

    Take a trap away from the farthest generator of his spawn location. Keeping the max traps at 10

    Change the addon "coffee grounds" to have a different effect.

    Change trapper sacks carrying limit to one, after setting down all traps.

    Change the addon "trapper bag" to do something else


    Increase the Trappers movement speed after setting a trap from 7.5% to 8% for 5 seconds. Also have this effect apply when catching a survivor in a trap, while not in chase.

    This is a simple change ment to combo with the reworking of his self catching timer.

    Buff the vertical hitbox pf the Trappers trap by 8% and the horizontal hitbox by 4%

    (This is ment to make catching vaults possible, or a lot easier)

    Disarm timer going from 3.5 to 4 seconds

    Helping survivors escape a trap should be fast, but also consitent with a regular escape timer. This small buff combined with the change to give the Trapper a 8% haste speed effect when catching a survivor should help a lot.

    Help time is buffed from 1.5 to 1.8 seconds.

    (A rework i thought of, but isnt apart of this preposed buff /rework written.)

    Nerf: Maximum escape attempts go from 6 to 5

    Buff: heling a survivor eacape goes from 1.5 to 2.0 seconds, escape time goes from 1.8 to 2.0 seconds.


    it eliminates a small amount of rng for survivors while making the traps mimum effectiveness better.

  6. I love a lot of what you've done in this video and respect the commitment. I do got to say though he's not the worst killer in the game since Freddy exists. I do agree he still deserves buffs to his kit though.

  7. PSA the outside of shack window on the new map is a little funky and you can accidentally put your trap underground, but its not like the old noclip traps in the way that it just doesnt work. I think u can avoid this by placing the trap perpendicular to the window instead of parallel.

  8. Kaiser releasing a longer form video to analyze every character in dbd? Like a fusion of both his usual work and a bit of Pixel Bush lore explanation thrown in? Hell yes! I’m here for it! I know I’m not alone in saying this is exactly what I want. I cannot wait for more!💜

  9. Trappers Iridescent add-ons still need love. I think they should both get one more effect.

    For Honing Stone: Maybe resetting all traps on the map when 5 generators are done, or only have it reset traps that have been deliberately placed/disarmed so you dont have to run Trappers Sack for Honing Stone to feel good.

  10. 8:41 there’s also a cutscene in dbd mobile where he’s actively seen fighting back against the entity’s claws, I recommend watching more azhymovs to learn more about this stuff he’s pretty good at lore stuff, also behavior actively removed paragraphs from his lore so thst could be why you didn’t find as much as you should’ve?

  11. If the trapper sack didn't have the stipulation of you cbt move your traps, trapper would be oppressive locking a survivor in a corner n holding them hostage n making avoiding his traps impossible, I am paraphrasing what behavior said of why that stipulation is there n I agree with them he should not start with all his traps, obviously traps shouldn't spawn in corners of map n crap but they fixed that I think

  12. Imagine this. Trapper has 3 traps baseline and starts with them. He can place 8-10 in total on the map and he reloads up to his max carry capacity from a locker. Once you place a trap that would exceed the map limit, the first one placed goes away. Making him have use from locker perks and adds more build variety. Id go so far as to give him an active ability, the "ctrl" button by default, something like doctor, channel for 2 seconds and activate all deactivated traps in your TR. I know he does not have magical powers by design, but who cares.

    Another thing, make trap setting not be so punishing. For example slowdown for 2 seconds while he opens it with his hands and after that he just drops it on the floor in front of him. Keeping the aim indicator while looking slightly down


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