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Salty SWFS is one thing, but to get this angry on a PTB and this competative is madness. Now yes, you could argue “BUT SO DID YOU” HEY! they started it first! Enjoy.
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More about Dead By Daylight:
A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.
"Oh no someone is killing as killer? So unfair and toxic" dude what is wrong with people? 😑
I don't understand how swfs get salty on a PTB server lol
Hey!! I Love your channel. These idiots are gold.
I don't understand on a ptb why you would get butt hurt? If butt hurt at all…? Stupid humans
Why is it that the most salty gamers always tend to run two exhaustion perks?
[Angrily tapping keyboard while breathing like I ran a marathon]: HOW DARE YOU! How dare you kill in a round as the killer! YOU are supposed to let them complete all 5 gens, open the exit gate and t-bag at it before escaping the trial!
Been getting constant rounds where I get absolutely hammered by the killer and most of the time its because I fucked up or its because other survivors accidentally lead the killer to me or its because I thought it was safe to unhook survivors and killer noticed…… And started chasing me. I started laughing at the screw ups, that's all I can do to try keep a level head…… Especially when I'm streaming [not advertising myself].
They lost the game and the arguement LOL
Earned yourself a sub
How tf do people get mad in a PTB? It's a fucking PTB, no one ever cares about winning and shit lmao
why did the ace use deception then hop in a locker right in front of you?😭
bronze and silver ranks acting like it was a close game against a rank 1 streamer barely trying. ranks don't mean much but in this case it tells a story
Wait correct me if I'm wrong but did one of the survivors have both lithe and dead hard cuz if so thats hilarious
I'll never understand toxicity in games. Just go onto your next match. If you're angry, get off and do something else and cool off.
Kinda surprised you didn't go with the scratched mirror myers for this game
Toxicity is making dbd really unfun.
A bit crazy that people got this mad at a game, it's not even a game, just a beta pretty much. Reminds me of my friend (who got me into DBD) recently being called toxic for camping, tunneling, slugging. It then lead to the guy telling my friend to off themselves because he played a certain way. My friend called on them out, how hypocritical they were for calling him toxic even though they sent the first message and told my friend to off themselves. My friend was in a private voice chat with me when this was happening, the guy kept sending messages, funny at first, then it even got me annoyed after a while to the point I told my friend to tell them, "It's game and they chill because this getting sad on how far they're going."
Then they backed pedal, saying it was just a joke what they'd said earlier, when that didn't work, they then pulled out the victim card, saying we were bullying them. After this point, my friend and I were just done. My friend told them, "I am done talking got work in the morning."
I know I am rambling about this story, but it is just insane for my friend and me that people take an online game this seriously that goes that far and say that. I don't think even a professional competitive player would go that far with money on the line.
I'm terrible at this game; but Michael Myers is so fun to play as man
its always the first or second dead surv that always talks shet
love the new music but the fact that it plays throughout the entire match is pretty annoying.. cant lie!
PTB tryhards are the worst.
Now they need to visually update myers and give him a buff and new chase music. Then more maps and killers a long the way
This game is just getting to the point where its appalling on both sides.. the MMR nonsense has completely ruined the game and after thousands of hours and years of playing I am uninstalling this garbage.
High MMR is full of camping, tunnelling killers.. crouching, pallet throwing team mates.. or clicky bming trash talking idiots.
Low MMR consists of clueless killers with smurf account survivors bullying to death.
There is no in-between.. just a game full of garbage people.
You were memeing at whole time, wtf they got pissed for? Sometimes survivors are crazy wtf lmao
omg the survivors are so tryharding on PTP omg no, facecamps, has perma t3 with tinkerer. the double standard yes yes